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Kiss_and_Wesson t1_j09iqy3 wrote

Ship of Jacqueseus.


justcallmetarzan t1_j09od6i wrote

At least as owned by Cousteau... it was already the Ship of Jaqueseus before it ever left port under his sail.


Kiss_and_Wesson t1_j09p7pg wrote

It's true, I've been aboard a couple of these old mine-sweepers, and many more old wood boats.


renownbrewer t1_j0a95ss wrote

I've heard conflicting information about building in Ballard (Seattle) or Moss Bay (Kirkland) from local family that actually met Costeau.


lovesmtns t1_j0akx0m wrote

I am older, and grew up with Jacques Cousteau as a world renowned hero. Not only was he an inventor of our modern scuba pressurized gear, but his exploits were just awesome, inspirational, and most of all fascinating. I'm glad he's being honored and revered, as is his ship.


BradimusPrime t1_j0apzdx wrote

Nice coincidence, I watched this documentary on the Calypso just a few days ago! Youtube: The Incredible Calypso: Jacques Cousteau's Crazy Exploration Vessel


StableSystem t1_j0bl3z4 wrote

Probably isn't a coincidence, YouTube likes to recommend the same stuff to everyone. I got it too and would be willing to bet so did op.


velowa t1_j0atiik wrote

That’s wild. I had no idea it was built here. Now I want to know in which shipyard.


KnotPreddy t1_j0cpt4e wrote

There was no way I was going to miss the Calypso landing in St Paul, Minnesota back when the team studied that river. My son was in diapers, and I wasn't going to let him miss it either. All the paddleboats in St Paul welcomed and led her into dock, and it was incredible and thrilling. Jacques didn't really do the trip, but they helio'd him onto the Calypso right before she docked so he could walk off her and greet the crowd.

A moment I will do my best to never forget! If I do, at least there are pictures for my son even though he doesn't remember it at all, lol!


lurker-1969 t1_j0cnelh wrote

The only TV program my mom would let us ditch our homework to watch.