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IPyromancer OP t1_j0gjt2s wrote

Are there any places along Highway 20 that you recommend? The ones you mentioned are around I90 and Highway 2. I’m planning on going through highway 2 going to Spokane and then Highway 20 on the return trip; thanks to your suggestions! :)


Jaded-Environment-95 t1_j0gp4hb wrote

Well worth your time to take a little jaunt up to Chelan if taking Hwy 2. Probably only 15 miles from 97/2 junction. Beautiful lake, very scenic, nice little city. Definitely has the wow factor!


L1ghtfoote t1_j0h2ip2 wrote

Hwy 20 goes past Diablo and Ross lakes and Washington pass. Winthrop is a nice little town. Republic has Fossil Beds right on the Hwy (check in at the museum and you can hunt fossils). Lots of wild country the rest of the way.