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bonbon367 t1_j0zgwpw wrote

I’m ok with that. Ski hills would likely open up later. It’d be nice to not have to wake up at 5 to get a parking spot at Steven’s pass on a weekend.


factotvm OP t1_j0zhop7 wrote

I quoted “Daylight Saving” because the amount of sunlight does not change. So, whether it is 5am (where ante meridian means something) or 6am matters not. You’re just making up a number.


StupidizeMe t1_j0zj5v1 wrote

This reminds me of a bit of historic trivia: In 1582 the length of a year was recalculated to be more accurate. The inaccuracy had grown to be 5 days and had led to all kinds of screwed up dates for events like Soltices, but had also made it hard to calulate Easter. Pope Gregory introduced the reformed calendar, now called the Gregorian Calendar.

Most of the world adopted it, but in some places the peasants rioted because they believed they were being cheated of their "days"!!

Russia kept the Julian Calendar, and by early 1900s they were 11 DAYS off. After the Russian Revolution their calendar was changed to match the rest of the world, but the Russian Orthodox Church still calculates Easter the old way, so it's usually a week or 2 weeks later than the rest of the world.


bonbon367 t1_j0ziy6m wrote

I was half agreeing with you, half being silly.

Keep the clocks the same, but open the ski hill “later”, I.E still at the exact same sunrise.

Keep my 8-4 office job still 8-4, regardless of when it gets bright.