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technoferal t1_j10jenz wrote

The problems you're pretending would exist already do, and would actually be removed if we all stopped changing the clocks. There are lots of places that don't change them, and even more that change them on a different schedule.


jlabsher t1_j10ktpm wrote

Japan, China and Russia are the only industrialized nations that don't switch clocks. Almost all other nations that don't are tropical so it makes no difference.

It's just another made up first world problem.


technoferal t1_j10lvgt wrote

That's a nice copy/paste from Google's first hit, but it completely ignores Arizona, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico... And that's just US. (And there are more) Here's a whole list of countries without DST that your quick Google didn't catch:

None of which had anything to do with the point that we already have mismatches in time change that cause the problems you claim would be caused by not participating.