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s1ipperypick1e t1_j16n7gf wrote

What do your kids love about Whidbey? The wife and I are looking in the area and she prefers Whidbey while I’m partial to sequim. We’ve got 3 young ones who love nature and outdoor activities.


Perenially_behind t1_j17lyg5 wrote

Where are you looking on Whidbey? It's a big island (as I'm sure you know) with a lot of local variation.


inlinestyle t1_j17t7gz wrote

We were fortunate to sell in Seattle when that market was hot but Whidbey wasn’t, so we were able to afford some acres and a big cozy, quirky house.

Kids have spent the last two days sledding in our pasture and building snow forts. We have a trail around our property that also connects to our neighbors, where my son’s friend lives. My in-laws live nearby. It’s a good life.

I do wonder how they’ll feel about it when they’re teens though. There isn’t much to do on evenings/weekends, at least compared to a city, or college town, or really anywhere else.

Things you need to not mind to live here: everything closing at like 7pm, power outages, expensive groceries, limited amenities, limited services, limited social circles, and political diversity.