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Anybody-Puzzleheaded t1_j1lzpwc wrote

I agree there are a lot of psychopaths on the road. The worst to me are the road bullies who ride inches from your bumper as though you’re going to slow or need to get over even though you’re in traffic and everyone is going the same speed. They weave through traffic, cutting people off, forcing themselves in where there is no room to merge, only to go right back because the left lane car got 2 feet farther.

Honestly, if you’re going 80-90 (left lane or not) and come up on me hot and then drive too close, I would assume you were one of those psychopath road bullies.

I’ve got a baby in my car now, and this driving makes my blood boil. Leave on time so that you don’t have to stress yourself and everyone else out. It’s nobody else’s fault/problem if you’re in a hurry. Don’t endanger my child’s life! (Not you literally, just speaking people in general.)