Submitted by midgethemage t3_zui8ii in Washington

So I've driven the I-5 corridor a lot. I've driven almost the entire length of I-5 on multiple occasions, but I've been driving PDX to Seattle my entire life since I have family in both cities.

But like... does anyone else experience the absolute psychopathic drivers on I-5 from Vancouver to Olympia? I'm not talking bad drivers, speeding, blinkers, etc. I'm talking about people that play legitimate games of cat and mouse with you on the road, seemingly only fuck around with you.

I had a family emergency in 2020 that required me to be on that stretch of I-5 on an almost weekly basis, so I've definitely been known to cruise at 85-90mph. I drive a fairly unassuming old Toyota Corolla, so I don't really think my car says much about me. I drive fast, but not aggressively. I'm overall a fairly safe driver.

But on that stretch of highway I've had multiple occasions where I come up on someone driving slower than me in the left lane, and then suddenly it's game on for them.

I've tried to pass people only for them to match my speed (and sometimes faster) and force me to get behind them, only for them to slow back down to the speed limit.

I've been brake checked on numerous occasions, sometimes barely even going over the speed limit.

I had an occasion where someone actually moved over for me only for them to speed up to tailgate me for miles. If I switched lanes, so would they. If I tried to get them to pass, they would match my speed. I'd move into the middle lane and match the speed limit, and they would continue to keep pace with me. At one point, they started purposefully veering into my lane once I was next driving next to a semi. They did this twice. I eventually had to fake them out and exit at the last second just to lose them.

I've had to pull that fake-out on three separate occasions. And it's only happened on that stretch of I-5.

Does anyone else know what I'm talking about, or am I crazy here? I feel like there's some people on that road that are fucking dangerous and should have their license revoked. I get that I speed, but it's usually at night when there are fewer cars on the road. I don't weave, I don't tailgate, and I always use my blinkers. I've had times where people have basically followed me for 30+ minutes, acting aggressive the entire time.

That's it, that's my rant. Just hoping someone knows what I'm talking about so I can feel a little validated lol



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NergNogShneeg t1_j1jd0gi wrote

I’ve driven in most of the southeast, gone coast to coast 3 times, and have, in general, put a lot of miles on the road- this area has the most insane, terrible, and aggressive drivers I’ve encountered. Been here nearly a decade and I swear it got even worse after the pandemic shut things down.


midgethemage OP t1_j1jf2r5 wrote

Same! I've driven LA to Portland 6ish times, so I've put a lot of miles on I-5, but I've never had any experiences like this outside of that specific stretch of I-5. I'd definitely agree the pandemic made it worse, but it was still happening in that area before then


Continuous_Ignition t1_j1kyri3 wrote

Same. Lived in Philly which has notoriously crazy drivers, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago. Lived in 9 states total. Drivers in this area are the absolute worst. People are suicide/homicide aggressive. I've never seen so many accidents. I got a dash cam now.

And there are more self centered dipshits around here too. Pulling out in front of traffic. Driving slow unless they can be passed. Left lane camping.

Then the infrastructure is stupid as well. Few turning lanes, even at busy intersections. Lanes that abruptly become forced turns. No ordinances against vegetation/structures blocking line of sight at intersections. Red left arrows. Speed limits are all slower here too.

The weather doesn't even bother me. It's the people that I fucking hate here.


PM_meyourGradyWhite t1_j1lwto8 wrote

There ARE ordinances on shrubbery and line of sight. They are only haphazardly enforced.


banme5lol t1_j1jhdvo wrote

Just slow down and follow those in front of you 😂


jstaffmma t1_j1jxekj wrote

Lol you don’t get to sit in the left lane and dictate everyone else’s pace of their day fuck off


[deleted] t1_j1jdl8c wrote



midgethemage OP t1_j1jflkx wrote

Ugh same. I can feel my blood pressure go up when driving these days, which sucks because I really enjoy driving as long as people aren't being pricks.

I once was heading to Seattle from Portland. Driving through Olympia it dawned on me I hadn't dropped off the money order for rent, so I had to drive back to Portland, drop off my rent, then go back to Seattle. Drove 9 or 10 hours that day. I actually kind of enjoyed it, just listening to my music all loud without much of a care in the world. Really glad psycho drivers weren't out that day


ev_pnw t1_j1k3yix wrote

Completely agree on the change since the pandemic.


banme5lol t1_j1jhgx3 wrote

Says more about your shitty driving than anything else 😂


midgethemage OP t1_j1jks52 wrote

Bro when everything smells like shit, you might wanna check under your own shoe


pala4833 t1_j1jfjov wrote

I think these folks who take driving to be a game, and play to win can be found on any multi-lane highway anywhere. But yes, I notice it too.


midgethemage OP t1_j1jfyss wrote

While I do agree overall, there seems to be an abundance of them in that area. Personally, I've never encountered it driving in the rural parts of California. I once encountered it going through Albany, OR but that experience was pretty short lived. But it's so bad in that area specifically that I've learned to depend on it happening and have to mentally brace myself for it


islandlalala t1_j1k8vkg wrote

I agree with this. Daughter travel nurses, worked in Aberdeen so you know what we went through. We’ve talked about this shit for years in my family because we liked to day trip to ocean shores and knew we had to grit teeth and hang on from Tacoma on south. And I agree with poster who said pandemic seems to have worsened it. Daughter turned down the job extension from staff that really liked her and treated her well, primarily due to having to drive that stretch when she’d head home. Oh, and landlords in Aberdeen are black toothed robbers so there’s that. Sketchy damn area with some really nice people there 😕


pala4833 t1_j1jgsdr wrote

I took the pandemic as an opportunity to retire and I've spent the last three years traveling a lot in my '99 Tacoma with a slide-in camper. So I'm rarely going over 65 mph, which gives me a lot of time to observe other drivers. I see it all the time on i-90, on 84 through the Gorge, heading out through eastern WA, OR, SLC, I-80. So yes, I get what you mean, and I don't think it's limited to our I-5 corridor.


midgethemage OP t1_j1jjub6 wrote

I get what you mean, I'm less familiar with those roads. Frankly, it seems more common in rural areas. Maybe they're bored? 🤷‍♀️


jstaffmma t1_j1jxpe0 wrote

Yea rural folk will take unkindly to you flying by them and will often burn diesel trying to prove a point. I drive a little 2.0 Awd turbo and I drove from Everett to Kalispell several times on hwy 2 this summer. Had the same kind of thing happen. I’ve definitely experienced some terrible drivers in the stretch you’re talking about tho. I think it comes down to people taking affront you’re passing them. We have a terrible problem with camping the left lane in this state


banme5lol t1_j1jh0ag wrote

It’s only a game if you get involved as well 😂


pala4833 t1_j1jsbmn wrote

Oh for sure. I didn't mean to imply otherwise.


threeleggedspider t1_j1jyq5p wrote

Growing up in Lewis County, I can confirm that many think it’s Mad Max out there.


Anybody-Puzzleheaded t1_j1lzpwc wrote

I agree there are a lot of psychopaths on the road. The worst to me are the road bullies who ride inches from your bumper as though you’re going to slow or need to get over even though you’re in traffic and everyone is going the same speed. They weave through traffic, cutting people off, forcing themselves in where there is no room to merge, only to go right back because the left lane car got 2 feet farther.

Honestly, if you’re going 80-90 (left lane or not) and come up on me hot and then drive too close, I would assume you were one of those psychopath road bullies.

I’ve got a baby in my car now, and this driving makes my blood boil. Leave on time so that you don’t have to stress yourself and everyone else out. It’s nobody else’s fault/problem if you’re in a hurry. Don’t endanger my child’s life! (Not you literally, just speaking people in general.)


TVDinner360 t1_j1kd7gg wrote

For me the worst part of I-5 has always been that section around Federal Way. I feel like I’ve never encountered more dangerous drivers in a concentrated space than around there.


riles9 t1_j1lyref wrote

There are a lot of truly psychopathic drivers on I-5 between Vancouver to Olympia.

I've definitely been known to cruise at 85-90mph

i totally hear what you’re saying that your speeding doesn’t make it okay for folks to brake check you. but, shit. 90mph is still dangerous as fuck. and selfish, and kinda dickish. it immediately fills me with adrenaline and anxiety when someone whizzes past me at that speed, and i’m guessing that’s fairly normal for most people. and it can cause accidents, even if you believe yourself to be a “safe driver”. plus, at 90mph, you have very little chance to survive an accident. and worse, it makes it more unlikely that those traveling at a responsible speed who are involved in the accident will survive. so regardless who is at fault, you’re reducing their chances of surviving the accident.

those that are fucking with you are simply recognizing your risky behavior as being on par with theirs. this should tell you something about how your driving is perceived by others.

slow the fuck down.


twilightdusk06 t1_j1mqhar wrote

It’s all fun and games until you cause a 50 car pileup and killing several people in your desire to “teach that upstart a lesson.”

Or maybe if someone going 90 that doesn’t mean you should play fast and loose with the lives of everyone on the road.


KyloYen t1_j1mhcbt wrote

Even if 90 mph is dangerous that doesn’t justify people fucking with you while in the middle of doing something so dangerous, that just makes it even more dangerous


riles9 t1_j1ndkoy wrote

nowhere did i say that. i just want OP to recognize that their own actions are also very dangerous, because they seem to be oblivious to that.


Knightoforder42 t1_j1jho6j wrote

I'm reading the comments that this has been worse since the pandemic, but I definitely dealt with it before. I used to drive to Bellingham frequently for class, and it was over an hour drive there and home every day. I had to through I-5 and into the Skagit Valley, and I always had people play games. I didn't always notice it until I looked over and people are making faces at me. I'm not a bad driver, I'm told I'm not, anyway.

I just like to get where I'm going and avoid the semi-trucks, apparently some people think that means they should keep me from passing, getting over - I've had to hit the breaks so I can get behind. I've had people try to race me - a lot. I've had one person block a two-lane road all the way back to the main town, and do their best not to let me pass, while continuing to go ever slower, for no reason - and when a car was coming towards me, they wouldn't let me get back over to the right side. This was all pre-pandemic. Thankfully, I am done with that commute.


midgethemage OP t1_j1jkl0d wrote

Yeah, I completely agree and have experienced a lot of what you described. I think the pandemic made it worse, but it hasn't been exclusively post-pandemic for me either. The people trying to race this always baffles me. Like bro, no thank you. It's midnight and I'm just trying to go home.

In 2020 I was basically living 50/50 between Portland and Seattle. I usually depart around 7 or 8pm because you avoid almost all traffic at that point. And with driving so much, I always just ready to get home. And yet these guys just gotta act like they own the road


OwnedByBernese t1_j1kf2iu wrote

You regularly cruise that at 85-90 mph huh. Maybe you should post this in AITA.


midgethemage OP t1_j1kq0lp wrote

Regularly through that area and other swaths of interstate that are more sparsely traveled. Plus, I tend to try to time my traveling later in the day to avoid traffic. Hell, I live in LA now and I don't drive that speed, too densely traveled to feel safe going that speed


jgnp t1_j1kzvga wrote

Yes. Absolutely. I’ve had people who absolutely wouldn’t let me pass. Like a Hyundai Elantra with a middle aged man in it. I’m in a Dodge Ram 3500. I ended up having to just pull off and let him get ahead and then later dip past him when he wasn’t paying attention. Fuckin nuts.


El_Mastodon t1_j1k02k9 wrote

Never experienced that. I will say the drivers in Portland are much worse than in Seattle


midgethemage OP t1_j1k3gqq wrote

Portland drivers are definitely different, but in some ways act similarly. With them, it's more like a "social justice warrior" thing where they don't think you should speed, so they'll do everything in their power to prevent you from speeding. Less brake checking, and more speed matching other cars to keep you from getting around them.

In my opinion, Seattle drivers are much better than Portland drivers. Seattle drivers are more conscious of driving etiquette and at least act like they have somewhere to be.


spanishmasquerade t1_j1kay43 wrote

Okay no offense but the fact that it’s happening to you in Portland too does seem like your speeding and driving is suspect! You shouldn’t be having this many incidents!


midgethemage OP t1_j1kff0m wrote

Nah, I don't really speed a lot going through the city, maybe keep it to 5-7mph over max depending on driving conditions. But this sentiment is common in the Portland subreddit.


El_Mastodon t1_j1kb1mw wrote

Exactly this, I’m usually a “slower driver” in Seattle (AKA I go the speed limit or a little faster) but when I lived in Portland, I felt like a speed demon since everyone drives 5 under the limit lol.


midgethemage OP t1_j1kvzso wrote

That's how I feel in Portland! 5 over and you're speeding. Seattle really is much better about keeping pace


Complete_Tap_4590 t1_j1m8jzm wrote

So you bomb up to everyone in front of you doing 90mph and wonder why people don't like you? People forget that cars have a body language of their own, and if you acted like this while walking on a sidewalk, then you'd be the Ahole. Merry Christmas!


CaspinLange t1_j1kt50i wrote

I walk in the parking lot to the grocery store building and cars actually attempt to speed up before I’m 3 feet in front of them to cross, and the stop suddenly as they are about to hit me out of sheer desire to avoid a manslaughter rap.


JayThor84 t1_j1kwhuj wrote

YES!!! Parents live in Centralia and I see so much dumbfuckery on the freeway through that stretch that it’s almost funny if it wasn’t dangerous.


Dusty923 t1_j1n83t7 wrote

For nine months I round-tripped that stretch almost every week for a long distance relationship. I can't say I've met that level of crazy, but my god the amount of people parked in the left lane blocking traffic! It's two lanes. GET THE FUCK OVER IF YOU'RE NOT PASSING! AND IF YOU ARE PASSING HURRY THE FUCK UP AND PASS! It's even the law for fuck sake. With signs and everything. Right there for you to read. You paid for them to be installed! Read them!


Jamieobda t1_j1jljtt wrote

GTA internalized.


fellofftheporch t1_j1loki4 wrote

I once got a flat tire right outside Vancouver. Not one single person bothered getting in the other lane when passing me. There I am a mere 2 ft from the road. 2 kids screaming and crying in the backseat... and cars flying by me like I'm not even there. I had that thing changed and back on the road in record time.

It's not just Vancouver to Olympia you drive on that pathetic the psychos. Its bad in the TriCities as well. Some people have had guns fired at them. Scary.

Please Stay Safe Everyone!


Ffzilla t1_j1m2jpw wrote

Stay right except to pass.


sjburnsie t1_j1mfsvm wrote

Having someone come up on your tail going 85-90 feels very aggressive and pisses me off so you’re probably just pissing emotionally immature people off. You said its when you’re going the speed limit too but it doesn’t matter, you go around them if they’re going slower but within speed. Bearing down on someone because you love speeding is the problem.


Humble_Ladder t1_j1ldnbo wrote

I personally feel like I have seen it more north of Seattle on 5/405, but yeah, especially at night/early morning, people seem to play weird games on the highway.


Uncoolx2 t1_j1lu2hh wrote

Try Vancouver (BC) to San Ysidro, CA with a few patches of nothing in between.


tamarlk t1_j1lxbzv wrote

It’s not just you and it’s a dangerous game.


dikarus012 t1_j1maife wrote

I’ve driven all over the country, and I’ve noticed Washingtonians are notorious for that “driving one speed then speeding up when you’re passing them” behavior we all know.

My work commute takes me from Hwy 512 to chehalis and back, so I definitely see examples of the psychotic behavior your describing all the time. It often feels like there’s an inverse relationship between the number of lanes on the road and irrational driving, like the more the lanes there are, the less crazy driving you notice. As soon as it becomes two or three lanes, some drivers start making things personal on the road.


Anaxamenes t1_j1mc33k wrote

I once saw an SUV with a front facing baby car seat with a small child in the front seat. It keeps swerving in it’s lane and into others and I caught a glimpse through the side mirror of a hand holding a novel as they were driving. Yeah, there are some really terrible people driving that.


sourpussmcgee t1_j1mce0e wrote

Once the speed limit hits 70 it’s the thunderdome


alleycat699999 t1_j1mmwoc wrote

Leaving Washington permanently had to drive the I 5 nine round trips to Yuma Arizona there are people that go out on the five during rush hours and have at least three people inside stop and go they will wait until they see you un attentive then SLAM ON THE BINDERS CAUSE A CRASH and they all get out and start accusing you of rear ending them AND KACHING MONEY MONEY


bussyslayer11 t1_j1mn7q1 wrote

Yeah its bad in the Seattle area too. Like I'm trying to get over a lane and some douche wont let me over because that would mean he LOSES, and he wont have that. So he honks at me and speeds up to make sure he is the winner. Good job dude, you win the road.


sleeknub t1_j1ms9p8 wrote

Yes, we get what you mean. I’ve seen quite a few between Tacoma and Olympia too.


Old-AF t1_j1mwieu wrote

We drove that trip last week and there were cars RACING each other and weaving around cars like it was the Indy 500. Thankfully, traffic was light so nobody was wrecked.


RainyDaysOn101 t1_j1n3vnp wrote

Can confirm. I've also been in the car with drivers who are these people. Scary shit.


saltycityscott66 t1_j1nbknv wrote

I've never experienced it. But I have a co-worker who had someone do this to him near Chehalis.


charcuteriebroad t1_j1nbwb4 wrote

I’d actually say it extends past Olympia and is awful all the way to Seattle. It’s the scariest stretch of interstate I’ve ever encountered.


whitepawn23 t1_j1sz8sw wrote

For whatever reason it seems better between Longview and Vancouver. Longview to Tacoma, or Gig Harbor, or Seattle, holy fuck. I'm amazed any of us leave that zone alive. And I've driven in Chicago, occasionally during rush hour.


Zero98205 t1_j1lozk3 wrote

I don't know what it is, as I haven't driven that section since before the pandemic, but every time I drove through there, some yahoo or other had to be a complete dillweed. So yeah, I feel ya.

Maybe it's because Castle Rock really has a Stephen King-style haunting? Can't name it the same thing without some of the fictional evil becoming real?


Oregon_drivers_suck t1_j1lxmnt wrote

PNW is the most infuriating place to drive in the country. People driving under the speed limits constantly and they don't move out of the left lane. Then they want to act like everyone else is the problem on the road when really they are driving like they're retarded. Absolutely clueless.


banme5lol t1_j1jgy7a wrote

Newsflash: you’re not a “fairly safe driver”; you ARE the asshole. Slow the f down. There wouldn’t be a game if you didn’t play. Just go 5 above and take your time. People who whine about left lane campers are 99% of the time trying to go 20+ above. Stay behind the Prius drivers and eat ass 😂


midgethemage OP t1_j1jjouc wrote

Speeding absolutely does not warrant tailgating, brake checking, and veering into someone else's lane.

And I don't play the game. When someone starts acting like this, I make a very conscious choice of switching over to the middle lane and slowing down, because I'm actively trying not to engage with that behavior.


Whatadamnview t1_j1joohu wrote

Thank you for gate keeping the left late. We are now better off as a society thanks to you.


jstaffmma t1_j1jy866 wrote

There’s such things as emergency. Too many people in this state camp the left lane at or barely above the speed limit. That’s not it’s intention.


[deleted] t1_j1jolab wrote



Mistapoopy t1_j1jugok wrote

This is not true. Just because other people are speeding doesn’t mean you should too. Honestly surprised people still believe in that nonsense.


AdventureBum t1_j1kny0r wrote

The safest speed is the speed of traffic. If you’re going significantly slower than everyone else you’re a traffic hazard and an obstacle for everyone else to avoid.