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DaBear1222 t1_j1luydb wrote

That’s good to hear, here’s hoping they got them all


Geo-Nerd t1_j1o9w5x wrote

IMO, the traps the USDA uses to detect AGH aren't real effective. Even in local areas where a nest was known to be active, their traps caught none or only a few. AFAIK, all the nests that have been discovered and eradicated were located by other means. Yet WSDA interprets "no trap hits in 2022" as some sort of proof that AGH aren't in the area. Call me very skeptical.


mancible t1_j1muyni wrote

I saw one in cougar Washington, South of Mt st helens at the beginning of August 2022. They're pretty easy to identify, I doubt I'm mistaken.


EtherPhreak t1_j1nb2tg wrote

Please report any sightings so they can try to keep these darn things out.


Ozzimo t1_j1nvxyt wrote

Good news. Nice to see a win for the state against giant hornets :D


PleaseBuyMeThings t1_j1oixz0 wrote

I was at a BBQ in Kennewick this summer and a guest spotted and killed one of these. We bagged it, snapped photos, sent the pics to the government website and never heard back. This sucker was HUGE and 100% an Asian giant hornet. Very scary.

Edit: a pic of the Asian Hornet in question


martensitic t1_j1owhqr wrote

I don't think that's an Asian Giant Hornet, it looks more like the Western Cicada Killer wasp.