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non-member t1_j1o2nhk wrote

Taking payments on a $1500 car? What the serious hell is the matter with you? That’s got to be the biggest warning sign right after a gaunt face, picked scabbed over sores, track marks, and face tattoos that you’re dealing with a rotten scumbag that’s nothing but trouble… and worse yet, YOU AREBT THE ONE DEALING WITH THEM FACE TO FACE!?!?!? you have your step mother dealing with this shit… you seem like a bit of a careless jerk.

You basically have two choices at this point. Call the cops and report him for the threats and hope the car hasn’t been stripped already(I bet $5 the cat is already gone) and pray that they don’t take it out on YOUR FAMILY…. Or suck it up, forget about the rest of the money, and just give them the car with a cheerful “merry Christmas”.

If it were at your house and you were home and we’ll armed option one would be a good way to go, but you’re not… you tried to make a business deal with a junkie for something at a family members house like an utter fool and now they might be in danger because you’re pissing off an irrational twat over a few hundred dollar… might just be best to kiss the couple hundred dollars goodbye and hope they don’t cause any trouble for your family.

Sometimes life is a bitch, hopefully you learn something from this experience.