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StupidizeMe t1_j1o7n2x wrote

Everybody was going 70mph on a slick rainy pitch-dark road with a blind curve? Each driver has the legal responsibility of driving safely under whatever conditions are present, so I doubt that excuse will fly.

When I was a 15 year old girl, my Dad and I were driving on I-5. He told me to look around at the individual people in all the other vehicles. Then he said, "It's YOUR responsibility that they each get home safely to their loved ones."

It's been decades, and I've never forgotten that lesson. I think of it often.


Hopeless_Misery OP t1_j1rt8i7 wrote

Well I've heard people say that everything always happens for a reason... I guess this event made me realize that I need to drive more carefully, especially at night. Car accidents can be deadly, so I will appreciate that I've smartened up now and potentially dodged a tragic future.


StupidizeMe t1_j1slk5a wrote

Glad to hear it! I think we all have to do our best to help each other stay safe. Happy New Year!