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theePedestrian t1_j22cg10 wrote

How have you passed through Washington without ever being in Washington?


MAHHockey t1_j22jjb8 wrote

"never been to" to me has a different meaning than physically being in a place. I've passed through Tokyo a number of times on flights and trains, but I'd say I've never BEEN TO Tokyo because I've never been anywhere in the city other than the airport or train station. I've been physically in Tokyo a number of times, but never got to experience the city, so I've never "been to it."


theePedestrian t1_j269p56 wrote

Semantics, I guess. I wouldn’t disagree that an airport or train station stop wouldn’t qualify as a visit to a specific place, but traveling by train through the countryside on my way to Tokyo would count as being in the region to me.


AdventureBum t1_j22kv2t wrote

I had a layover in Reykjavik once, but I don’t really count that as having visited Iceland because it was midnight in January and all I saw was the airport.


theePedestrian t1_j26934d wrote

I wouldn’t disagree with this, but I also wouldn’t categorize it as “passing through”.


AdventureBum t1_j29y00t wrote

I mean, it's virtually no different from driving through a state and not stopping for anything but gas or food. Just takes longer and the view is a bit higher up. Either way, you're technically visiting the place but not really "visiting" in any meaningful way.


monkey_trumpets t1_j22htar wrote

I've driven through several states, but I've never visited them enough to actually say I'd been to them.