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TVDinner360 t1_j2a0fr8 wrote

If they’re functioning properly, yes.


pala4833 t1_j2a0snq wrote

Every single signal in the state? How does that work? You're making shit up.


TVDinner360 t1_j2a6g2t wrote

Lol I’m not. This is a thing that traffic engineers do. They do have set algorithms and software to help, but they legit program traffic signal timing based on the posted speed limits, among many other factors.

It’s totally a thing. Traffic engineers make decent money. Maybe you’d like to join the profession? There’s a huge need for more engineers, and it’s very interesting work. Plus these are usually jobs with good health insurance and retirement benefits. Come aboard!


Aggressive-Yam5470 OP t1_j2csvbl wrote

Thanks and I agree with this. I am a software engineer and I figured that both the lights are set in such a way that for the speed limit at that particular cross street, the light and its timing algorithm are set so that if I was going the speed limit, i would have enough time. But, factors such as it was raining, dark, and the timing may be good on paper but for me to slam on the breaks sometimes that can be just as dangerous.

Also, wouldnt the camera also have similiar if not more sensitive software/sensors that had i entered when it was red, it would have snapped a pic? meh.. ill just pay it, I was just trying to get some conversations and basically its what I thought.


pala4833 t1_j2a6w5n wrote

I have many years experience working in city planning and transportation planning. I know it's a thing. What I also know is that not every signal series is timed. And certainly the three stoplights in my town aren't. We don't even know which light the OP is talking about. You know you're being hyperbolic.


TVDinner360 t1_j2aa3k5 wrote

I’m not talking about coordinating signals, just strictly the timing of yellows & reds. If you’re really as knowledgeable about transportation planning as you say, then you would know those are standardized and take into account the posted speed limit. I really don’t understand why you’re so deadset on fighting this point, but by all means, keep shouting into the void.


Aggressive-Yam5470 OP t1_j2cti2p wrote

Of the things Ive learned from asking this question is that people like to argue for the sake of arguing. Im sure each signal state machine is set as a function of the speed limit as input. then it just knows how long to stay yellow and when to switch to red. Most likely with a buffer to take into account various conditions.