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TVDinner360 t1_j2klbhf wrote

Are you kidding?


played-myself t1_j2klrgz wrote

No? When people just bring up crime statistics they’re told to ask for actual anecdotes form people who live in a place. Now I’m asking for actual anecdotes from people who live in a place, so naturally I’ll be told to just look at crime statistics. I just want to know local perspectives


TVDinner360 t1_j2km44a wrote

I ask, because they’re absurdly safe places. I thought you were trolling us.


played-myself t1_j2kmeax wrote

No, unfortunately I’m just a bit jaded because I did what I thought was plenty enough research on the place I currently live and learned the hard way that there’s no certainty without researching through every available avenue


jord_87 t1_j2lahuh wrote

The entire larger metro area has a homelessness issue that is very visible. There are awful incidents of unprovoked attacks by the mentally Ill on random people, but by far the most likely thing that will happen to you is a car break in. Of course this depends on your situation and your car. Getting a secured garage can be very important. Car theft is also possible if you have certain types of Kia or Hyundai cars in particular.

On a personal level I wouldn’t say I am any more or less stressed or at an alert here than any other large city. Just taking reasonable precautions as anyone would do.