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Brandowmayor t1_j3f53z6 wrote

Hello! WSU alum here. While I did not major in Comp Sci, lots of my friends did. They all have jobs in their field but they have pretty “average” jobs. No crazy FAANG positions but they are all happily employed. WSU computer science is textbook “decent.” You will learn good stuff and have a marketable degree after graduating, but it’s not a super duper impressive degree. University of Washington in comparison is much better but also much more competitive.

The only downside to WSU as a whole is that it is in a small town and might feel pretty remote to you if you are not used to that or expecting it. I loved living in Pullman but I know a lot of people who thought the town was too isolated. In my opinion WSU is a great school and Pullman is a great town. Highly recommend it but my opinion may be a little bias. Go Cougs!


Gotem051 OP t1_j3f5hc6 wrote

Long story short I had a really rough year last year and just recently decided to go to college in the Fall this year and sadly Unibersity of Washington application deadline already passed 😭. But thanks for the WSU imput helps a lot.


Posideoffries92 t1_j3fcb2w wrote

Is that for all campuses? If UW Bothell deadline hasn't passed, that is a great School. It also shares a campus with Cascadia College - which mostly has two year degrees and some 4 year. But a lot of people go from Cascadia to UWB


Gotem051 OP t1_j3fcpzr wrote

UW Bothel isn't closed yet, what's different about UW and UW Bothell


Posideoffries92 t1_j3fd727 wrote

Both have full access to all UW libraries. Bothell just a 2nd campus. About 30 minutes north of Seattle. Classes are smaller and the surrounding area is not a big city. But it offers many 4 year degrees, including computer science.