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Th3seViolentDelights t1_j3jx9bd wrote


wolf_spanky t1_j3jxt8n wrote

Stay ignorant and uneducated.


Th3seViolentDelights t1_j3jy2sb wrote

I'm petting my pit bull right now, rubbing his belly about to give him treats. Then I'll walk him later, IN PUBLIC.

By the way, there are 4 million domestic pit bulls in the US. So how do you get a "majority of 4 million are killers" from that stat? Can't wait to hear it.


wolf_spanky t1_j3jyrkk wrote

Okay? You can do whatever you want. I don’t care. Breed them, walk them, I don’t care. And now you’re putting words into my mouth. See my comment above and read the stats. Cry me a river.


Th3seViolentDelights t1_j3kiy27 wrote

You didn't answer the question. Show me that the majority of 4 million domestic pit bulls are aggressive killers.

Go back to your pit bull hate sub where you guys celebrate dog abuse.


wolf_spanky t1_j3kjmlu wrote

When did I say that? Are you okay? Celebrate dog abuse? Wtf are you on about? You’re unwell. Get some help.

I provided my sources. You’ve proven to be nothing but an ignorant person who talks like a child. Read my above comment and leave me alone.