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Yuppykiller t1_j3mygbg wrote

Understand expansion joints, but I assume OP was referring to those dashed groves in some lanes themselves, not between the lanes; they appear to be ground down a 1/4 - 1/2 inch from surface and are right where your tires go…I end up straddling the lane line when there is no other traffic just to stop the sound.


billionair31 t1_j3n25pc wrote

Definitely possible, I'm not super familiar with that area, as such I'm not exactly sure what it is you're describing. I just know a concrete panel section of highway is through there.


Yuppykiller t1_j3n5n9h wrote

You know, upon closer look these are ground down perpendicular to some expansion joints. Not all, and some locations have more than others. Some lanes don’t have them at all. Any ideas?

Thanks Google Street View!


billionair31 t1_j3nxnj2 wrote

Interesting, I really have no experience with concrete slab roadway design, so my ideas aren't "good" but any means, but I'm willing to guess!

My guess is it's from a repair where they ground into the slap, fixed something (rebar?) And then filled it back up.

A secondary guess would be something to do with drainage. Perhaps those spots get a little sitting water in the center so they create a little more space for it to sit as it drains, where it is less dangerous for drivers.


Grndmasterflash t1_j3pphxx wrote

My understanding is when a road has those little rectangular "divots", there are tensioning cables within the concrete, not to be confused with common rebar. I think it was supposed to be the cat's meow a decade ago, but turned out not to be a efficient as hoped.