Submitted by GoodLittleTerrorist t3_108ytky in Washington

I bought the car a week ago, so that makes explaining way easier. I've been pulled over a dozen times, but this is my first ticket. No way on God's green Earth can I pay the fine that the tax collector in blue wrote me, so what do I do now?

Is it as simple as go to the courthouse and say "sorry about that!" Do I have to immediately get it registered, buy insurance, and get tabs? That's $400 I don't have. If that's the case, any tips on prolonging payment as far as possible?



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non-member t1_j3we85f wrote

No seatbelt, no insurance, no registration… sounds like you shouldn’t be driving.

Pay the fines and take the bus.


tipsup t1_j3wkkq6 wrote

Buckle up, get car insurance and pay yo tabs!

Honestly, you shouldn't be allowed to drive. That was stupid.


FizzgigsDentist t1_j3v9xlh wrote

When I was young I was stupid as fuck too. Youre going to lose your license and you'll start getting mad citations, itll turn into a vicious cycle that'll take thousands of dollars to get out of. I highly suggest staying out of whatever shit bucket you drive until you get your stuff sorted


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j3veabg wrote

Is that if I don't pay? Does driving a different car help? Why are you being so rude?


KanyeWaste69 t1_j3vthtf wrote

I'll be honest

Aside from no seatbelt which unless you honestly forgot one time, no excuse

But there's no reason for people to be rude about this.

Insurance is too damn expensive, one of the many bad products of capitalism, it's a scam like any insurance.

(Unrelated ish) but relevant)

It's one thing if this country wasnt 95 percent car dependant, even in many big cities most transit doesn't even run 24, hell 16-20 hours a day.

Makes me think about how people talk about drunk drivers. People will do it anyways, but it's a lot more fun to walk or take a bicycle (risky still dui in some places) bus, or rail. If we had all of those in place at least 20 hours a day and up until 2-3am on weekends the amount of deaths by drunk driving would drop (all far deaths in general)

Went on a tangent lol currently gabing my first few drinks in 2 months and started way too late in the day and ran out so waiting for the clock to strike 5:59am


DevinH83 t1_j3yne8h wrote

Don’t buy a car if you can’t afford the insurance.


Paid_Corporate_Shill t1_j4034qe wrote

Have you ever been poor in a car dependent area? It’s not always that simple.


swantissimo t1_j3v7su7 wrote

Just don't pay. Then you will have no license to go with your no insurance and no tabs. Get a job, make some money, handle yo shit.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j3v9khj wrote

Thank you for your help


swantissimo t1_j3ve3ew wrote

Pay the ticket before your court date. You can do it online most likely. Then get insurance. Please. Ask your mom who she was using for insurance. You can also get quotes online.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j3vetxo wrote

Thank you, for real. I got pulled over while driving home from dropping off job applications. I've been trying to get a job, which is why I absolutely don't have the money for this fine or insurance. I truly don't know what to do, but you giving real advice without calling me a juvenile disabled idiot makes me think I'll figure it out.

Thank you


need_a_venue t1_j3wl0g4 wrote

Pay the fine.

Get a bus pass.


Limp_Result7675 t1_j3wj89m wrote

Been there, done that. Feel sympathetic for your situation but for any one defending your choice to be uninsured/unbuckled/unregistered - I cry bullshit

Insurance is spendy because of knuckleheads like this who don’t have insurance. They are a liability.

Registration is one of the ways our infrastructure gets paid for. You want free access to the infrastructure but don’t want to pay?

Seatbelts (and I’ve been ticketed too for forgetting mine) are the law. But honest mistakes are made.

Edit: as for suggestions for help. Yes. Make your statement to the court and they may waive penalties for first time offenders especially if you reg and insure the car prior to your due date. Unfortunately they will have little sympathy beyond that and under no circumstances will they allow continued use without reg/insurance so don’t even think that is a valid route. A second violation will likely revoke your license.


[deleted] t1_j3ywobc wrote

You’re sympathetic? 😂


rosesandpiglets t1_j3zkwdp wrote

Right. OP broke the law several different ways and deserves no sympathy


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40cq4v wrote

I appreciate your commitment to the law above educating someone who wasn't aware. Admirable devotion


rosesandpiglets t1_j40dsfh wrote

If you weren’t aware that’s further proof you should not have been driving, further decreasing sympathy


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40g7hh wrote

Ah yes, because I wasn't aware of multi-layered corporate legalese, I'm an unsafe machine operator. I can't believe this tiny-brained baby didn't intuit the connection. Your compassionate teaching is truly helping me not only see the error of my ways, but pointing me down the right path


rosesandpiglets t1_j40ljc4 wrote

Nothing about this is multilayered corporate legalese lmafo. And yeah, you definitely sound like an unsafe vehicle operator if you didn’t know you need insurance, registration and tabs.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45gc4f wrote

I wonder if you'll follow me one comment further down this unproductive hole. Join me, won't you?


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40f0bm wrote

How did you learn about that?


MaintainThePeace t1_j40lg3l wrote

You have a drivers license right?

Because by obtaining a drivers license, you are acknowledging that you know it is your responsibility to know the laws pertaining to the vehicles you drive and the roads you drive on.

You should have had to take a knowledge test as well, which comes from the drivers guide that you should have study.

Everyone is hard on you because this is such basic knowledge you should already know, and now everyone is worried about what other traffic laws you don't know and what risks your putting onto others because of your lack of knowledge and insurance.

I'd suggest re-studying the drivers guide if you really didn't know.

And looking through the traffic laws too.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45ht4n wrote

It would probably be more fair to say that I've been cheap, and I've been trying to not spend money wherever possible, and I figured I could save money as long as I didn't get pulled over. It worked for 7 years, but not this time, so, here I am now. With a $1000 fine and nothing but crossed fingers and prayer to pay it.

The town I lived in before, it was small enough that none of the would ever be an issue, but now I gotta suck it up. The cops here aren't so kind as to send me on my way with a warning, so I'll have to start paying. I'd rather not own a car, but....

I should go to bed. Staying on this thread is bad for my health


Limp_Result7675 t1_j46dnvw wrote

Sounds like you knew you were playing Russian roulette then. This was a decision, not a lack of information… you finally got caught. And now you want?? Everyone is hard on you because you are expressing a desire to find a way out of a situation you created knowingly. Sorry mate , that’s not how this works.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j488zol wrote

I'm aware of that now. I'm just refusing to verbally concede to the angry people. I know what I have to do.

I still withstand that I didn't know the severity of what I was doing, since it hadn't been punished yet. I won't concede that


rosesandpiglets t1_j40lmdp wrote

Before I acquired my license, which I’m assuming you do actually have as you didn’t list it in your infractions


Limp_Result7675 t1_j3zrbt1 wrote

Well I didn’t blame them for having no money or not asking mom further details… but perhaps sympathetic isn’t the word I’m looking for ;)


Salmundo t1_j3wp103 wrote

Think about what would happen if you were in an accident: you could be arrested, your car impounded, and with no insurance you could be personally liable for more money than you’re likely to earn in a decade. That’s a hell of a risk that you’re taking.

I know it’s hard to get up off of the floor, I’ve been there. Think about other options for getting around. Don’t f your life up for a car.


grby1812 t1_j3v7izt wrote

Are you for real? How did you get pulled over so many times and not ticketed? Do you think everyone drives around with their paperwork that fucked up? Do you really think a judge is just going to be cool and dismiss it because you said sorry?

Driving without registration is a gross misdemeanor in WA. That's at the same level as brandishing a firearm. That's jail time.

I am guessing you are mentally disabled in some form or another.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j3vdgbi wrote

I've been driving for 7 years without issue, but I was driving a car that my mom had set up everything on, and I just paid for. This is my first time buying my own car.

I've talked my way out of every other ticket, I guess, so I have no concept of anything related to traffic tickets. I thought I would get help here.


LoneBear1 t1_j3vgp5g wrote

Most of these posts get a lot of hate. You were driving illegally and without a seatbelt. Since you've been driving for seven years, you know better.

You can try to explain your situation in court and hope for a merciful judge, but with all that I wouldn't expect much leniency. Just don't drive it again until it's legal. And put your seatbelt on. Hopefully you can get your fines reduced to something you can pay.


kwiknkleen t1_j3x2c9x wrote

And you wonder why people are being rude? 7 years ? Good grief. Become an adult and pay like everyone else does.


rocketPhotos t1_j3xsun0 wrote

Unfortunately over 20% of the Washington drivers don’t have insurance (fifth highest in the nation) which is why it costs so much. When I become King, uninsured drivers will have their cars impounded until proof of insurance is provided.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45ggpm wrote

As king, can you give a mandate a course on buying it in driving school, too?


rocketPhotos t1_j47w74f wrote

Don’t know about that, but google is your friend. Asking family and friends what they do is allowed. Calling an independent insurance agent is also an option as they deal with multiple companies and should be able to set things up that work for you.


Spokenfortruth t1_j3x7af1 wrote

It doesn't matter that it's your first time buying a car. Insurance needs to be established before the car is driven. You cannot and should not legally be on the road without insurance. Without a seatbelt is just a stupid choice. And without registering it again is just illegal. You can't claim ignorance. You either took the driving test and know the laws or you don't have a license.


KanyeWaste69 t1_j3vty4v wrote

I'll be honest me too, 7 years, no insurance (except first year) never any wrecks either. However only 2 speeding tickets) I'm only now getting insurance cause I finally found some $90 a month. Before it was up to $309 plus. Absolutely sickening.

If it's your first time getting a no insurance ticket, all of the above, makes no sense to take your car away or anything like that.

Again, insurance of all kinds is a scam and is a way to rob the working poor and middle class. Though I'd at least get 6 months coverage or a year if you find. Better deal

. If it's some bullshit Ike $400 a month regardless of where you look around, then fuck then just obey driving laws for the most part, keep tabs updated, all lights signals working and you'll be fine for another 7.

Edit: yeah Adderall prescription and alcohol is too much fun together lol I didn't even read the text outside the title

Call the courthouse, see about monthly payments. The cop is probably a dipshit and there's no way they could prove you need to get it that quickly. Then do the other things if you can.

Again 3rd time but a little more to the point

. I hope for one day that the working classes realize they are the ones that hold the power, not the ruling class

We will overcome division, band together and yeah you know the rest.


Rocketgirl8097 t1_j3z8k6e wrote

Saying insurance is a scam is ignorant. What insurance does is protect from you from being sued if you cause a wreck where there is property damage or loss of life. All you'll be out is your premium instead of having your livelihood financially destroyed or going to jail.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40cvff wrote

The idea of insurance is a good social practice. American insurance is robbery that sometimes helps you


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40dsn9 wrote

Your message is far and away the most helpful and hopeful one on here. I'm gonna 100% ask about monthly payments, because I refuse to live under the fear-mongering of police.

A friend just told me that she found some real shit insurances online that cost less than $50 here (esurance or the General, maybe) but it meets the minimum legal requirement.

Apparently we're surrounded by some bona fíde elitists who think giving hundreds each month because of a law is so assumed that anyone who doesn't already do it must be destroyed to the fullest extent of social law. It's quite a military that State Farm has attacking this post


pala4833 t1_j3x2dbe wrote

What makes you think the rules don't apply to you?


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40chkr wrote

Them not having applied the 12 other times


DangerousBug6924 t1_j42nvoj wrote

>Them not having applied the 12 other times

You're either stupid or entitled. Which one is it? I can understand being short on money, but don't be shocked when your luck finally runs out and get zero sympathy without owning the situation you put yourself in. I find it hard to believe that 12 different officers didn't warn you about your lack of insurance and registration( or what ever else) in the past, and even so, it sounds like you've been driving long enough to know better as to what was going to happen when your number came up.


SturdyBBQ t1_j3xvb9g wrote

Lmfao pay it. They might let you off this time but if you continue to be stupid you’ll just have to take the L. I had a car totaled by someone like you and I feel no sympathy.


Decent-Employer4589 t1_j3wq5id wrote

Get a temp job at express employment and pay the fine. Solves your job problem, money problem, and ticket problem.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40cl04 wrote

Good idea. Thank you


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40f22w wrote

Who's going through downvoting my comments? Don't you have something better to be doing?


[deleted] t1_j4586jr wrote

I'm also not following what is going on. upvoted you just to compensate a guess is some people are mad at you that you was driving no belts, no insurance and went rage-down-voting? who knows... internet people are crazy

Edit: oh, some of your following answers ... now I see how these can irritate folks... but I'm still surprised by dedication of internet people to go to other comments and downvote as well. this weird, weird world....

don't take downvotes seriously but take seriously what people are saying... recklessness leads to bad bad things.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45fycw wrote

I asked for advice, and got shit on. I tried to maintain tact, and I should have stopped looking at responses long ago, but basically everything here now was here before I started responding to people. I lost it on 2-3 people, but I'm terrified at not being able to get out of this hole, and I couldn't take being kicked further down.

I was really banking on getting help here, some of which I did get, but I was let down by the people here more than I thought possible. I've genuinely been treated more kindly on 4chan. If I were in a less vulnerable spot, I probably could have gleaned more advice.

I would say I learned from my mistake, but the people on this post are the last ones I'd want to hear that.


Educated_Goat69 t1_j49spox wrote

Seriously, get it licensed and insured before your date and the judge will be kind.

Edit. I see you can't afford that, nevertheless, it is good advice.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j4fw529 wrote

I'll probably be able to swing the registration. I found some cheap insurance I can afford for one month. I have a promising job outlook at the moment, so I'll just have to pray that it goes through, but I think this is possible.


DevinH83 t1_j3yn8dw wrote

I need to pay extra in case I get in an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance because of people like you..thanks.

And having a new car doesn’t excuse you from getting insurance. You can literally do it on your phone in 15 minutes before you drive your car away.


Row30 t1_j3yqyoc wrote

What do? Wear seatbelt, have insurance, pay tabs. Ya know, like the rest of us grown & responsible adults do


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40fant wrote

You might wanna speak up. I can't hear you down here from atop your mountain of disposable income


mctomtom t1_j436ikb wrote

You should not be on the road without insurance, it completely fucks over the rest of us if you cause an accident. The laws are not complicated.


DangerousBug6924 t1_j3y24gd wrote

All preventable...Driving is a privilege, not a right. Zero sympathy. Call it an expensive lesson and move on.


Pianowman t1_j3x5gs2 wrote

They do keep records of when you are pulled over and given a warning. If you have been pulled over dozens of times, you're probably lucky you haven't received a ticket sooner.


PepeLePuget t1_j3x6idx wrote

You might consider consulting r/LegalAdvice although their responses will be similar to the ones here, with an added “get a lawyer.”


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40cdoe wrote

Thanks. I can't believe how mean everyone's being for me not knowing about certain things


uberpop t1_j3ynia2 wrote

Oof. The lack of a seatbelt seems like a big 'fuck you' when paired with driving illegally. Do whatever it takes to get that thing registered and insured before you argue this. It's going to be the only thing that may help to mitigate the damage.


blastoise1988 t1_j3z98jc wrote

How can you afford buying a car but not paying a fine or getting insurance and registration?


SeatlleTribune t1_j3ywc0n wrote

Get insurance before driving again, and use your seatbelt 100% of the time. Never drive with expired tabs.


MotherOfRockets t1_j3z6pxj wrote

Take the L on this one. You were obviously in the wrong. The judge probably won’t be lenient on you considering that stack up of offenses. In the future, having insurance and tabs is usually, collectively cheaper than getting a ticket for them and then also having to pay for them afterwards anyway. If you get insurance and tabs you might be able to get a reduction on those parts of the fee, but the seatbelt one you’re SOL.


onlyoneaal t1_j3z8cbt wrote

Sounds like you got what you deserved.

What do? Become a responsible adult, that's what do.


jenjen32384 t1_j3zkq9y wrote

There’s nothing to do other than pay it, simple. Get a job, be a responsible adult. There’s so much help needed out there, there’s no reason not to be able to get a job. May not be what you want but not having a job and not paying bills just doesn’t work.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40fmqg wrote

I was gonna say sorry, but then I reread that you just told me there's no reason I can't get a job. Apology rescinded.


this-is-advertising t1_j3xdi27 wrote

I'm curious: did the citing officer allow you to drive away with no insurance or registration?


DangerousBug6924 t1_j3y35xr wrote

Pff, an individual who was uninsured and that had their drivers license suspended, drove off after totaling my wife's car last summer. Got a ticket and that was it. Pure BS.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45gnm7 wrote

Yes. Multiple times. That's why I thought it wasn't a big deal-- equivalent to jaywalking


[deleted] t1_j3ywlqo wrote

Should’ve thought of that last week 😂


Wife-frustrated t1_j3zpixa wrote

I’m assuming you bought the car from a private party because a dealership would do the registering for you.

I think people have berated you enough for the dumb you have put forth.

Get insurance. Get your tabs. Take proof of it to court. Apologize, say you learn from your mistake. Ask for a deferral. They MAY let you off with just paying court fees.

And oh yeah, wear your damn seatbelt.


Fliggin t1_j3xz43g wrote

Are you insured with another vehicle? Many insurance companies have a grace period of 2-4 weeks to add a new vehicle to your policy.


Paid_Corporate_Shill t1_j4030nu wrote

Ive been there. Pay the ticket before anything else. Unpaid tickets can fuck you up. Then I guess hope you don’t get pulled over again before you can register. Or don’t drive. How’s the transit in Yakima?


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40c4y5 wrote

There's a somewhat okay bus line. It doesn't come within 2 miles of my house, though, and it only covers about half the city. You absolutely need a car to survive here


mega_donkey t1_j46d6al wrote

Funny because the last person and hit and ran on me (side swipe on white pass) was caught with the exact same issue. People like you have no business what so ever being on public roads. Period.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j477sri wrote

You have two options:

Pay the ticket or hire a lawyer.

If you don't have the funds for a ticket? Why the hell are you driving a scenario where you're basically setting up your self for one?

I can't tell you how many people I know that have been hit by uninsured motorists. You're gambling your entire fortune by doing this. Insurance at least protects your belongings at the physical level. They must legally go after insurance before they can take away your physical belongings and any savings.


az226 t1_j44yo9l wrote

Best is to get insurance and registered asap, and WA gives out one moving violation lenience per 7 years, but is up to the discretion of a judge/magistrate.

The fee is still going to be like a minimum of $150-175, if memory serves.

If you don’t get registration or insurance asap, a judge will unlikely show any leniency.


Ecofre-33919 t1_j48scdl wrote

You are darn lucky they didn’t repo that car. You just flat out should not have been driving at all. Pay the fines. Take the bus until you are legally able to drive.


NotAHippieCrashPad t1_j48x68e wrote

Honest question, what have you been pulled over for 12 times previously?


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j4e3l1u wrote

Headlights being off, rolling through a stop sign, driving slow on the highway, tabs being covered by snow, idling in a party neighborhood... About half of them have been either my headlights not being bright enough or me driving around slowly at night.


Educated_Goat69 t1_j49sfzf wrote

Wear a seat belt, license your vehicle and get some insurance.


Rocketgirl8097 t1_j3z7qno wrote

I'm assuming you paid cash for the car? Because unless the car is financed, you don't have to carry anything more than liability insurance, which generally is not too bad (depending on what type of car, your driving record, and the area you live). If the car is financed you have to carry full coverage.

Do have your day in court, and they may defer your ticket or let you pay in installments. But in general that won't happen if you don't bring proof of insurance with you.


JAKKL7777 t1_j4rjd5q wrote

See, we have these things called LAWS. They are to help law-abiding citizens and punish the morons like you. No one should drive without insurance and a registered vehicle. You put all other drivers on the road at a great financial risk if you were to get in an accident. Trust me, if you and I were to get into an accident and you had no insurance and your car wasn't registered, a fine is the last thing you would want to worry about. Like everyone else says... pay the fine and get a bus pass.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40esm1 wrote

I'd like to thank everyone here who gave me advice and ideas, and even moreso gave me information I hadn't learned before. You've been truly helpful, and I'm sorry you got harassed for it.

To everyone who came here to take a dump, please use the toilet. I hope your style of teaching improves beyond the point of insulting them. Until then, I feel sorry for anyone who asks you a question.

Now then, please give me your downvote

And thank you again to the people who actually helped me learn things. You're a strong reason for me to believe that humanity is still worth it.


WAStateofMine t1_j41mnj4 wrote

If you don’t already have a court date, ask for mitigation of the ticket by mail. If this is your first ticket you may be able to get it deferred (basically a lower payment to the court in exchange for keeping your driving record clean for a future period of time. I.E. probation). You’ll need to be careful in future though, because if you get another ticket you will then have to pay the full amount of both tickets. Other than that, you may be able to explain to the judge your financial hardship and they will possibly decrease the amount and put you on a payment plan for any fines levied. Good luck!


Blockhead_Dad t1_j3x3ax9 wrote

There are legal firms that specialize in fighting traffic tickets even in cases like this that you might try. They often use technicalities to fight otherwise good tickets and have a good success rate. It will cost, but if they can beat part or all of your own ticket, the money you'll save on increased insurance rates is worth it.
