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FizzgigsDentist t1_j3v9xlh wrote

When I was young I was stupid as fuck too. Youre going to lose your license and you'll start getting mad citations, itll turn into a vicious cycle that'll take thousands of dollars to get out of. I highly suggest staying out of whatever shit bucket you drive until you get your stuff sorted


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j3veabg wrote

Is that if I don't pay? Does driving a different car help? Why are you being so rude?


KanyeWaste69 t1_j3vthtf wrote

I'll be honest

Aside from no seatbelt which unless you honestly forgot one time, no excuse

But there's no reason for people to be rude about this.

Insurance is too damn expensive, one of the many bad products of capitalism, it's a scam like any insurance.

(Unrelated ish) but relevant)

It's one thing if this country wasnt 95 percent car dependant, even in many big cities most transit doesn't even run 24, hell 16-20 hours a day.

Makes me think about how people talk about drunk drivers. People will do it anyways, but it's a lot more fun to walk or take a bicycle (risky still dui in some places) bus, or rail. If we had all of those in place at least 20 hours a day and up until 2-3am on weekends the amount of deaths by drunk driving would drop (all far deaths in general)

Went on a tangent lol currently gabing my first few drinks in 2 months and started way too late in the day and ran out so waiting for the clock to strike 5:59am


DevinH83 t1_j3yne8h wrote

Don’t buy a car if you can’t afford the insurance.


Paid_Corporate_Shill t1_j4034qe wrote

Have you ever been poor in a car dependent area? It’s not always that simple.
