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Decent-Employer4589 t1_j3wq5id wrote

Get a temp job at express employment and pay the fine. Solves your job problem, money problem, and ticket problem.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40cl04 wrote

Good idea. Thank you


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40f22w wrote

Who's going through downvoting my comments? Don't you have something better to be doing?


[deleted] t1_j4586jr wrote

I'm also not following what is going on. upvoted you just to compensate a guess is some people are mad at you that you was driving no belts, no insurance and went rage-down-voting? who knows... internet people are crazy

Edit: oh, some of your following answers ... now I see how these can irritate folks... but I'm still surprised by dedication of internet people to go to other comments and downvote as well. this weird, weird world....

don't take downvotes seriously but take seriously what people are saying... recklessness leads to bad bad things.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45fycw wrote

I asked for advice, and got shit on. I tried to maintain tact, and I should have stopped looking at responses long ago, but basically everything here now was here before I started responding to people. I lost it on 2-3 people, but I'm terrified at not being able to get out of this hole, and I couldn't take being kicked further down.

I was really banking on getting help here, some of which I did get, but I was let down by the people here more than I thought possible. I've genuinely been treated more kindly on 4chan. If I were in a less vulnerable spot, I probably could have gleaned more advice.

I would say I learned from my mistake, but the people on this post are the last ones I'd want to hear that.


Educated_Goat69 t1_j49spox wrote

Seriously, get it licensed and insured before your date and the judge will be kind.

Edit. I see you can't afford that, nevertheless, it is good advice.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j4fw529 wrote

I'll probably be able to swing the registration. I found some cheap insurance I can afford for one month. I have a promising job outlook at the moment, so I'll just have to pray that it goes through, but I think this is possible.