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pala4833 t1_j3x2dbe wrote

What makes you think the rules don't apply to you?


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40chkr wrote

Them not having applied the 12 other times


DangerousBug6924 t1_j42nvoj wrote

>Them not having applied the 12 other times

You're either stupid or entitled. Which one is it? I can understand being short on money, but don't be shocked when your luck finally runs out and get zero sympathy without owning the situation you put yourself in. I find it hard to believe that 12 different officers didn't warn you about your lack of insurance and registration( or what ever else) in the past, and even so, it sounds like you've been driving long enough to know better as to what was going to happen when your number came up.