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GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40cq4v wrote

I appreciate your commitment to the law above educating someone who wasn't aware. Admirable devotion


rosesandpiglets t1_j40dsfh wrote

If you weren’t aware that’s further proof you should not have been driving, further decreasing sympathy


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40g7hh wrote

Ah yes, because I wasn't aware of multi-layered corporate legalese, I'm an unsafe machine operator. I can't believe this tiny-brained baby didn't intuit the connection. Your compassionate teaching is truly helping me not only see the error of my ways, but pointing me down the right path


rosesandpiglets t1_j40ljc4 wrote

Nothing about this is multilayered corporate legalese lmafo. And yeah, you definitely sound like an unsafe vehicle operator if you didn’t know you need insurance, registration and tabs.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45gc4f wrote

I wonder if you'll follow me one comment further down this unproductive hole. Join me, won't you?


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j40f0bm wrote

How did you learn about that?


MaintainThePeace t1_j40lg3l wrote

You have a drivers license right?

Because by obtaining a drivers license, you are acknowledging that you know it is your responsibility to know the laws pertaining to the vehicles you drive and the roads you drive on.

You should have had to take a knowledge test as well, which comes from the drivers guide that you should have study.

Everyone is hard on you because this is such basic knowledge you should already know, and now everyone is worried about what other traffic laws you don't know and what risks your putting onto others because of your lack of knowledge and insurance.

I'd suggest re-studying the drivers guide if you really didn't know.

And looking through the traffic laws too.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j45ht4n wrote

It would probably be more fair to say that I've been cheap, and I've been trying to not spend money wherever possible, and I figured I could save money as long as I didn't get pulled over. It worked for 7 years, but not this time, so, here I am now. With a $1000 fine and nothing but crossed fingers and prayer to pay it.

The town I lived in before, it was small enough that none of the would ever be an issue, but now I gotta suck it up. The cops here aren't so kind as to send me on my way with a warning, so I'll have to start paying. I'd rather not own a car, but....

I should go to bed. Staying on this thread is bad for my health


Limp_Result7675 t1_j46dnvw wrote

Sounds like you knew you were playing Russian roulette then. This was a decision, not a lack of information… you finally got caught. And now you want?? Everyone is hard on you because you are expressing a desire to find a way out of a situation you created knowingly. Sorry mate , that’s not how this works.


GoodLittleTerrorist OP t1_j488zol wrote

I'm aware of that now. I'm just refusing to verbally concede to the angry people. I know what I have to do.

I still withstand that I didn't know the severity of what I was doing, since it hadn't been punished yet. I won't concede that


rosesandpiglets t1_j40lmdp wrote

Before I acquired my license, which I’m assuming you do actually have as you didn’t list it in your infractions