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Snickersthecat t1_j3zg0cx wrote

This isn't for people who already have access, this is for grandmas dying of cancer who don't trust mushrooms grown in your friend's closet.


RevengeOfTheDong t1_j3zt7gs wrote

So legalize it like alcohol or marijuana and sell it in a store. The government should have no say in that besides the taxes.


Smzzms t1_j40uewr wrote

How noble of you. Pretending to care about grandma just so you can get high.


Snickersthecat t1_j41cqzj wrote

You realize this isn't a recreational model, yes?


Smzzms t1_j41o646 wrote

Sure. Neither was “medical” booze during prohibition or “medical” marijuana.


Snickersthecat t1_j41ua4p wrote

Well if you want to lock people up for using drugs that's your call. Frankly I think it's fucking idiotic.


Smzzms t1_j42j1at wrote

I’m in favor of decriminalization of all drugs. But turning a sacred medicine into a commodity and branding it as therapy or a “cure all” for mental issues rubs me the wrong way. People have gone to jail for possession and cultivation of these substances.

And now the state wants to sanction it so yuppy doctors can charge people for mushrooms? No thanks.