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ThanksForTheRain t1_j3ywuan wrote

Are the seals anything to worry about? I saw a platform with about 40 of them, and several came off and started following us. It was interesting at first, but it started freaking me out. I hear they can be curious creatures though. Thanks a bunch for the info


PreviousRepeat0 OP t1_j3zvpgk wrote

The seals aren’t an issue in my experience. They like watching and usually will be the first to get out of the way. When pups are concerned it’s a bit different. I think the rules are to stay at least 100 yards from pups…might have been a few nearby when you came upon them? I hope you do get out soon, it’s so rewarding when the good days strike


ThanksForTheRain t1_j3zw1o0 wrote

Yes, we stayed clear of them, only close enough to get a peek. I believe there was a sign nearby stating keep 100 yards distance. Circled back shortly ahead, and when we passed by a handful started coming after us. They didn't seem particularly aggressive, but it was unnerving to see the heads pop out closer and closer