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[deleted] t1_j41oeg0 wrote

How about keep the limit the same. First DUI, mandatory year suspension of driver’s license. Second DUI, mandatory 90 day jail sentence and 18 month suspension of license. Third DUI, mandatory year in prison and lifetime revocation of license.


minaco77 t1_j41pg04 wrote

Agree. What’s the point lowering the limit when you’ve got people who have 3, 4, 5+ DUIs that still have licenses. Increase the penalty so people follow the current limit better. And take away driving privileges when they habitually break the law driving.


[deleted] t1_j41q5bz wrote

And also get rid of the fines. There is a financial incentive for law enforcement to never solve the problem completely. If the penalties were more severe and there stood nothing to gain for the state, the problem would be solved really quick.


thabc t1_j42hujr wrote

Let's break down fatal collisions into two categories: those caused by people with a prior DUI and without. If the percentage of those with a DUI is greater than the percentage of the general population with DUIs, we can conclude that it is the punishment and rehabilitation programs that are insufficient, not BAC threshold. Don't let them back on the road until they've controlled their problem (interlock devices are great). Second offenses should be at least a three-year license suspension. And driving with a suspended license should have significant penalties.