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BlazedGigaB t1_j4m8nbb wrote

There's an app for that... Peak Finder. Costs like $5 but 1000% worth it.


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j4l84bj wrote


Ngoriakl t1_j4nuv3g wrote

Yes! Great shot! What camera are you using? Are you a professional?


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j4og7lh wrote

Thanks. I use a Canon RP.

I mostly just take pictures for myself. I tried to 'go pro' awhile ago, but I'm not that good at sales or marketing. About 90% of being a successful photographer is being good at sales and marketing...


seathrowawaybl t1_j4lrnom wrote

I think it's Davis Peak or Pyramid Peak.


lesismore2000 t1_j4n1lrh wrote

Pyramid for sure. Davis is on the other side of the road. This looks like the view roughly South from Diablo Lake. I sat and waited for my wife and kids at that dock this summer…..


beston54 t1_j4ln7lc wrote

Did you drive from the east side of hwy 20?


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j4lx6ry wrote

No, Seattle area. Road is closed at Ross Dam trailhead, a couple miles past the Diablo Lake overlook.


Aimless_Wonderer t1_j4o9e5d wrote

Which direction are you looking? (I won't know anyway, but I'm curious!)


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j4ogdet wrote


I was having a brainfart trying to identify it. Looking at the map I figured it out, it's Pyramid Peak.


Bargainhuntingking t1_j4m8biz wrote

Kinda spooky looking downstream from the edge of the railing from the dam, eh?


gecampbell t1_j5gmnso wrote

By the way, the smaller square thing in the background is called “Paul Bunyan’s Stump”


6mm94 t1_j4lx6h1 wrote

Beautiful shots. Are you on Instagram?


justcallmetarzan t1_j4tjaue wrote

If you know the approximate time and location of the photo, and you have a helpful celestial reference like the moon in your photo, you can use this website, (which is amazing for many other reasons) to determine the direction of the photo.

With that and the original location, you should be able to determine the peak.


Beta224 t1_j4lfqk2 wrote

  1. The link does work and both are awesome photos!

  2. My guess would be Mt. Shuksan?


Nixx_Mazda OP t1_j4lh58y wrote

1: Thanks.

2: I'd say for sure it's not that. I think it might be Pinnacle Peak, but it's kind of a common name so searches come up with a few different peaks.

Edit: Pyramid and Pinnacle Peaks.


Beta224 t1_j4lfs9f wrote

  1. The link does work and both are awesome photos!

  2. My guess would be Mt. Shuksan?
