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holmgangCore t1_j517uyn wrote

Two Points:

  1. Whoever they are, they want to damage your quality of life… Causing electricity blackouts? How is that a good thing? These people are idiots.
  2. If they want to foment an anachronistic “race war”.. they will find themselves on the losing end. Why? Because many folks like myself stand with & will fight with our brethren & sistren of color.

The Earth is lands & oceans of color.. and those of us that understand we are all one human race together.. . . . Well, we vastly outnumber the silly toddlers shooting at substations.

We’re much stronger than you think, silly billies!


trogon t1_j528v0h wrote

In their racist little brains, they think that all white people agree with them.


Guilty_Jackrabbit t1_j533yfh wrote

Far Right groups do this because they believe they can eventually cause enough chaos that the country will descend into infighting, the government will collapse, and they'll be free to dispose of people they hate and maybe even take over government.

Just Google Accelerationism.


glitterkittyn OP t1_j510u7o wrote

Some people (white supremacists) have fantasies of a racist dystopian civil war, and they don’t care if you want to be involved or not. It’s accelerationist terrorist gangs (at least in Canada they call them what they are like boogaloo bois, Atomwaffen Division, 3%ers, Patriot Front and Proud Boys. They’re either testing their “plans” for their race/gov war or THIS IS their planned nationwide attack.

Their goal? From the 2nd article below: “The facts stipulated by the men paint a goal of racist dystopia, in which an armed attack on power grids would cause confusion, economic upheaval, and unrest - ripe conditions for a "revolutionary force." the documents state.”

This is plain homemade domestic terrorism. Like the terrorists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. It’s racists and anti government gangs trying to start a civil war.

Here’s some regular guys just last year making plans to attack substations.

Article: Three men, one from Ohio, pleaded guilty to federal terrorism charges after admitting their plans to attack the power grid “in furtherance of white supremacist ideology,” according to documents unsealed Wednesday.

Christopher Brenner Cook, 20, of Columbus, Ohio; Jonathan Allen Frost, 24, of West Lafayette, Indiana, and of Katy, Texas; and Jackson Matthew Sawall, 22, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, each pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

Court records show they entered their pleas Feb. 7. Each man faces a 15-year maximum sentence and up to a $250,000 fine.

The facts stipulated by the men paint a goal of racist dystopia, in which an armed attack on power grids would cause confusion, economic upheaval, and unrest — ripe conditions for a “revolutionary force,” the documents state.

They were each assigned their own substation in different parts of the country to attack. The court filings do not specify the locations of the substations.

“There were also conversations about how the possibility of the power being out for many months could cause some serious change or straight out war, even a race war; additionally, that without power across the country, it could cause the next Great Depression, people wouldn’t show up to work, the economy could crash and there would be a ripe opportunity for potential (white) leaders to rise up,” the documents state.

The men discussed using explosive devices to distract law enforcement as officers respond to any siege.

Frost sought to provide rifles for the men, including by building them himself with parts he purchased online, according to court records. He also bought a rifle in Texas with no serial number, known as a “ghost gun,” and brought it to Columbus in February 2020 for Cook.

At the time, the three met to plan their assault. Sawall and Cook bought spray paint which they used to paint a swastika flag at an unspecified park with the caption “Join the Front” — a pseudonym for their online chat group. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s office declined to provide the photo or specify which Columbus park this occurred in.

In August 2020, FBI agents raided their home and found weapons and Nazi and white supremacist material.

Of the former: Agents found a tactical magazine and various camouflage jackets in Cook’s home along with a “recently acquired, but not yet assembled” rifle. In Frost’s home, they found multiple riffles, suppressors, gun components, and chemicals that FBI testing concluded “could be used to create an explosive device.” Other court records show a long list of seized weapons, ammunition, chemicals, and electronic devices.

Of the latter: Agents found in Cook’s bedroom a copy of the book “Siege.” The court documents don’t specify the author, although the Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, says “Siege” was written by neo-Nazi James Mason and pushes for violent extremism. The book appeared on a list of suggested reading for people he tried to recruit, per court documents, along with “A Squire’s Trial” — which bears a swastika on its cover.

Were the men to get caught, they discussed making “suicide necklaces” filled with fentanyl, a powerful opiate. Frost provided such necklaces to Cook and Sawall, the latter of whom swallowed his pill during a police stop after their Columbus meeting but ultimately survived.

All three await sentencing. Attorney information for the three was not available on a public court database as of Wednesday evening.

“These three defendants admitted to engaging in a disturbing plot, in furtherance of white supremacist ideology, to attack energy facilities in order to damage the economy and stoke division in our country,” said Assistant Attorney General for National Security Matthew G. Olsen in a news release. “The Justice Department is committed to investigating and disrupting such terrorist plots and holding perpetrators accountable for their crimes.”

It’s a really fucked up way to say you don’t believe in democracy as well as a big fuck you to the rest of us that DO believe in democracy and the rule of law. Can’t say that these accelerationists are making any friends by interrupting power and killing the citizens. A person died in the Moore attack. The power companies (they’re not fans of their $ and property damaged) and the Gov will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law if they can find the people that did this.

I wonder if they know they’re going to get caught? This was from 2016 and this guy comes off a little bumbling but the tech exists to find who did these attacks


FalseAnimal t1_j51uted wrote

You mention them being bumbling, but it should be noted that a lot of fascist takeovers were not orchestrated by the best and brightest.


DarklySalted t1_j5189oi wrote

Pretty sure Siege and Squire's were literally the books McVeigh got brought into the craziness on.


SenorMudd t1_j526zem wrote

3 rules when dating someone:

  1. They are nice and respectful of you/make you happy
  2. No hard drugs(meth etc) and has their head on straight
  3. Finally, no KKK/Nazis/hate group affiliations.


It's 2023, was hoping they'd be on their last leg but guess not. People are people and everyone deserves an equal chance to a happy/peaceful life. It's really not that hard but I guess we are arguing with imbeciles


CryptoNerdSmacker t1_j52ve3o wrote

Yeah was kinda hoping most of that generation/population would die off and fade away but it looks like they were just laying in wait for one of “their own” to take power. It’s not just them though, anyone else witnessing all this shit going down and not standing up for what’s right are complicit as well. Inaction is enablement.


ImaginaryCaramel t1_j53m5ps wrote

Completely agree. It's a movement that preys on vulnerable young people, so unfortunately they're able to recruit new members even in today's society. I hope in my lifetime we'll see the end of this ideology, but that's probably a pipe dream...


ProfessorPickaxe t1_j51ial5 wrote


420_Braze_it t1_j51rqvz wrote

They know. They just don't want to alarm the public. There is definitely some reason they're not saying that they know, but I guarantee they do. They're not stupid.


broham97 t1_j52d7ew wrote

Isn’t the FBI’s whole thing alarming the public to justify their existence?


420_Braze_it t1_j52ftco wrote

Yeah, you got me there. I'm sure there's some kind of tactical reason behind it.


broham97 t1_j52hqjj wrote

Not trying to shit stir im just curious as to why we don’t believe the story about the robbery


420_Braze_it t1_j52mser wrote

It just doesn't make any sense. You don't need to shoot up four separate power stations to rob a store first of all, and the potential payout for it wouldn't be worth the risk. Power substation attacks were investigated by the feds and are considered domestic terrorism so they carry a significantly higher risk and way higher legal penalties.


pala4833 t1_j56bhu2 wrote

> just curious as to why we don’t believe the story about the robbery

Because: Occam.


VaeVictis997 t1_j52ko3c wrote

Sure, when it’s brown people. Not when it’s right wing white guys.


broham97 t1_j52w29b wrote

So they’re covering for the right wing guys?


VaeVictis997 t1_j52wix8 wrote

More that they don’t consider them a real threat, and sympathize with a lot of their points.

They absolutely know where the real domestic terror threat is, but they clearly don’t believe their own stats, based on where they put their resources and how badly they bungle prosecutions of right wing groups like the Bundys.


pala4833 t1_j56bcyz wrote

That's not what they believe, it's the excuse the perpetrators gave them.

Read the fucking article you linked to, you blundering nitwit.


schwenkmom t1_j52uoxw wrote

Neo nazis in Washington?! What a surprise! 🙄


BarnatanElissa1972 t1_j524mcx wrote

But according to Fox News and other right wing media it's antifa and liberals responsible for most of the political violence.


Crazyboreddeveloper t1_j55ytnf wrote

The power goes out here all the time… all over the place at the same time. Tens of thousands of people without power during windy or snowy days, and issues regularly resolved 24 hours. The northwest is fully capable of quickly repairing mass widespread power outages.

Really stupid plan if you have a brain.


xigloox t1_j50yp7s wrote

We're blaming neo nazis?

Shit, I heard the boogeyman wants it dark too. Maybe he attacked the energy grid.


SparrowAgnew t1_j510ctj wrote

*neo-nazis say they're going to do these kind of attacks*

*neo-nazis distribute training material on how to do these kind of attacks*

*attacks on power stations increase rapidly*

"Why does everyone jump to the assumption that these attacks are being done by neo-nazis!?" -Redditor


ps1 t1_j51e9op wrote

It's a valid suggestion given the evidence.


pala4833 t1_j50zt8d wrote

You need to rethink whether or not neo-Nazis are a real thing.


xigloox t1_j510axz wrote

They exist.

Fear mongering about whether or not they're planning to take down the electrical grid is some top tier reddit shit tho.

You need to touch some grass bro


pala4833 t1_j5114k3 wrote

What's fear mongering about sharing collected intelligence about such attacks? You need to read the article. The FBI isn't fear mongering about whether or not they're planning to take down the electrical grid. They're saying they have evidence that that's exactly what they're planning and video of the acts in progress.


xigloox t1_j512gsl wrote

Tell you what.

Wake me up when arrests are made. They have evidence and video right?


pala4833 t1_j516q14 wrote

I got your back dog. Here, even reported by your precious Fox News:


xigloox t1_j51847j wrote

Fair enough. I stand corrected.

But precious? Come on, dude.


pala4833 t1_j56c6yy wrote

So you don't deny living in the Fox News information silo. Of course, that was already quite clear.


xigloox t1_j56cbxk wrote

I dont watch fox news. Hence the comment.

Day 2, I conceded. What we doing here?