Submitted by SpaceCadet183 t3_10h3icn in Washington

Hi, I'm currently on FMLA through the state, I will be returning to work soon but got offered a position at my dream job that will start a few days after I return to my current job.

I'm planning on quitting without much of a notice.

If I quit after I've returned to my current job for 4 working days, do I have to pay back all the state FMLA I received? Is there a requirement for days returned before leaving the position to retain the payments?



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MGC00992 t1_j5685lp wrote

I am not sure, vit I think not. It pays out like unemployment benefits, week. Your just changing jobs, and, until released by the doctor, you have documented proof of an inability to work. Make the call at 8AM or send a message through the portal. They don't take weeks to answer any more. But, you will need to log in and check for a response


Skywalker3221 t1_j569s87 wrote

You’re fine. People don’t return after an FMLA leave all the time. So long as you were employed during the week in which you claimed benefits, there isn’t recourse in terms of FMLA payments.

Now, if your are receiving health benefits and your employer pays your premiums and have continued during your leave, they can request you repay those premiums from what I understand.


dokelyok t1_j57v4fq wrote

From my experience, no. I was on FMLA for almost 3 months and during that time a headhunter contacted me about a great job which I ended up getting. I let my employer know I would not be returning while still on FMLA and there were no repercussions.


Fractracks t1_j57591n wrote

If you quit without giving the state 2 weeks notice, you will not be eligible for rehire by the state should you ever be interested in going back to work for them.

I took FMLA, returned for a few weeks (maybe 6), couldn't stand my coworkers (it had been a problem for a while, but I couldn't quit sooner due to my health issues). Had a meeting with my supervisor (she had told me a few days prior that she was taking me off of my probationary period as I had successfully completed it and there were no issues with the quality of my work), in which she asked me about any problems or concerns I had during my orientation. I told her. She then informed me that she had decided to extend my probationary period as she was concerned that I wouldn't "fit" and anyone working in my office had to be a good "fit". I told her I was done, the ageism, the offensive remarks (I had just had a bilateral mastectomy, one of my coworkers kept assuring me I could get some "big ol' falsies!"), just stuff like that. No one would follow the covid guidlelines, I was told repeatedly that "we don't mask in this office" and it didn't matter what the governor's mandates were. I was in active treatment for cancer for crying out loud! My coworkers, with the exception of a data analyst were all nurses. I'm still super angry over the whole thing. So I told my boss she would have my resignation on her desk by the time I left that day. I gave a 2 week notice. I went home and thought about it, I emailed in an resignation effective immediately, that I would be in the next morning to pick up my belongings. I applied for unemployment due to the working conditions, the lack of compliance with covid guidelines which jeopardized my health, as well as blatant ageism. I was turned down by unemployment after they contacted my supervisor, who told them that I was "unhappy" in my job. I loved that job! I didn't bother to appeal. I'm so disgusted with the state of Washington as an employer. Anyway, a short time later I received something from the HR office telling me that I was not ever eligible for rehire as a state employee. That's been a year and a half ago. I've just been living off of savings ever since. The thought of ever going back to work and being treated like that makes me sick.

Anyway, just know that if you resign without giving 2 weeks, that makes you ineligible for rehire.


SpaceCadet183 OP t1_j57ok2o wrote

I'm sorry you went through that.... I had some shady stuff happen to me when Covid started too, just glad I got to see my employers true side, instead of investing myself longer and drawing out the misery.

I don't currently work for the state so I'm not worried about that. I would actually be hired on with the state to my dream job, and I won't be telling them that I didn't give my shitty corporate job 2 weeks.... let's say Walmart for example, no notice, quit the day before I start the state job, and I don't intend to ever go back, if I'm in a pinch I will easily get a job with their competitors due to my experience.

Thank you for your response :)


Fractracks t1_j57y354 wrote

I totally misread that as you were working for the state!
Best wishes to you in your new job.


ZeldaTheGreyt t1_j5770vo wrote

I don’t think so. Your employer could do a clawback for premiums/benefits, but since the WA PFML is a different program, I don’t think it works the same.


SpaceCadet183 OP t1_j57ooor wrote

I didn't think about insurance... that's a good point


teatreez t1_j5ctc1d wrote

The state pays you for FMLA, not your employer lol


SpaceCadet183 OP t1_j5dflwa wrote

I know I'm just think my anxiety is getting to me a bit :) thank you