Submitted by AdOpposite983 t3_10hcyw6 in Washington

Hey all, I moved here from Utah about 9 months ago and brought my car with me. I was stupid and didn't ever realize you have to register a car within a specific time window when moving to a new state, I had assumed the whole point of registering every year was to enforce people are registered in the right state.

So now my Utah registration is expired and I need to register with Washington. I read online the penalty for not registering car within the 30 days is like $500 or something crazy. I definitely can't afford that kind of fee on top of the registration which is going to be a few hundred.

What are my options? Do they ever forgive this kind of thing? It's my first time ever moving out of state so I had no clue.

Should I "gift" it to a friend, or possibly just sell it and live without a car? Maybe specify that I didn't move the car here until this month? (Lie) Any other options besides those? I do own the car (no bank owed).

I can live without a car but it would be mighty inconvenient. Thoughts?



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terretreader t1_j57pb2g wrote

They don't know how long you've been here. You have to take it for a wsp inspection and then just go get in licensed... If they don't ask when you moved don't tell and if they do, tell them last week.


[deleted] t1_j57pu0y wrote

Came here to say the same thing. I have done exactly this several times. They know you got here when you tell them. Simple as that.


200MPHTape t1_j57pozq wrote

When they say you have 30 days to register your car it means if you get pulled over and a cop asks you how long you have lived here and you say 9 months, they write you up for failing to register the car within the 30 days. Same for licenses. They have no knowledge how long you or the vehicle have been in WA unless you tell them. So get it registered. It probably won't even be an issue.


AdOpposite983 OP t1_j57t5wh wrote

I have gotten a parking infraction in Seattle, they could have a record of that


muose t1_j57x5wf wrote

You were just visiting when you got the parking infraction. wink


200MPHTape t1_j57uxsx wrote

You'll be fine. It won't be a question. Your registration from Utah was valid until it expired. Now just a matter or registering the car in WA. The only people who care about the time limits are cops.


rourobouros t1_j57rqb5 wrote

I did this, re-registered my car when the out-of-state plates expired. No questions asked except the clerk collects plates from other states and wanted mine for her collection. NB no inspection in most rural counties.


AdOpposite983 OP t1_j57szni wrote

Good to know. Did you already have a Washington license? I goofed there too and still have my Utah ID.


rourobouros t1_j58w5gy wrote

12 years ago. I don't recall. Likely though, because I voted that year, had to have residence.


Hopsblues t1_j5m9wsv wrote

Just get a Washington DL. It will allow you to vote, and be up to date. You're trying to do the right thing and that works for you. Don't give up your car, you'll need it.


_VictorTroska_ t1_j5cbyg7 wrote

> clerk collects plates from other states

My town in CT made me ship my plates back :/


lurker-1969 t1_j581qvk wrote

Lie, cheat and steal. The WSDOL is a ripoff. Tell them you just got here and so what if you got a parking ticket. You were just visiting.


Puffballcats t1_j596ly8 wrote

We went through this last year. No one asked how long we were in Washington. We got our drivers licenses, and then registered our cars once the old states registration expired.


RogueComment t1_j58hgip wrote

There is also tax … I think they collect it when you bring a car in. There is a form for lowering your tax… you get a quote for tires and wheels and new paint and eat up the value on most order Vehicles in short order. (I dont recall the form but i google every time I register a car or boat and it has been helpful) a couple hours driving around can save a grand in taxes.

Good luck


RogueComment t1_j58hz5l wrote


GoodLittleTerrorist t1_j5bifd8 wrote

So, if you can show that it needing work lowers the car's value, then the taxes will be less?


RogueComment t1_j5e2ebu wrote

If it needs work it does lower the value… most cars you buy need tires at the very least. If you live in washington fight for every penny when it comes to being taxed ! We have fees and taxes on everything and washington is probably the sneakiest state in the union in regards to fees and taxes.

The state makes a fortune off of taxing cars …its criminal taxing used vehicles when they already taxed the sale of it when new. The state makes more off vehicles than car dealers!


GoodLittleTerrorist t1_j5q1x4w wrote

Think an oil change & transmission check can get rolled into that?


RogueComment t1_j5rsk6f wrote

Any cost you get a quote for and/or have receipts for help, but big money 💰 quotes is what your really looking for or its not worth your time.

Tires and wheels from les Schwab I wanted Toyo tires was like $2800 bucks. A paint job is like $3000- $6000 or more. Both quotes are easy to get. Brand new cars come with crappy tires so if your buying a used car you almost always need tires.

Good luck !


c_t_lee t1_j5cxb4y wrote

I did the same thing when I moved here (from Utah too, in fact). When my Utah registration was about to expire, I just applied for a new Washington registration and didn’t have any issues.


Old-AF t1_j58d1fm wrote

Tell them you just moved here and show current utility bills. They’re not gonna check.


Anxious-Fox-1782 t1_j58wdwl wrote

TIL… I thought you have a whole year or if your out of state reg expires (whichever come 1st)


Calm-Ad8987 t1_j592j61 wrote

This can be a bigger deal if your insurance lapses (can be a big fine in states with a system that tracks that) or you get in an accident & your insurance won't cover you because it's the wrong state. Some states are absolutely insane about this stuff (Virginia is one I know is, no idea about Utah- WA is pretty lax about it in my experience) but keep all records of changing your insurance & title (old & new) & reg etc. etc. Some make you send in plates (not sure how enforced that is?) Some go after you 7 yrs from when you moved & will put a hold on your license so you can't renew & need a lawyer & a bunch of paperwork to get it corrected even though you lived in that state for less than a month oy vey.

Just get it registered & license renewed for WA - they have no idea when you got there & they honestly don't care as long as you are actively getting it registered & insured in the correct state.


EtherPhreak t1_j59bpd4 wrote

Unless you got a red card in the mail, you’re good. Just go to dmv and get it changed.


jwilder2018 t1_j5agoif wrote

When I first moved to WA I had JUST renewed my tags in my home state (Ohio). I waited until they expired before I renewed- an entire year later. I never had any problems.


always_evergreen t1_j5df1yt wrote

Had my car still registered in Alabama for 3 years after i moved here. Was asked by a cop about it once and told him I was a student. Never any other issues and no issues when I registered in WA


neekav t1_j57uvxj wrote

Do you have anyone in Utah that can re-register it in that state for you? Do that if you can and when you have everything current again, register it in Washington.


AdOpposite983 OP t1_j57xcq1 wrote

Yeah but this is mildly risky because regardless if I live here it's supposed to be registered here. Cops will enforce the 30 day thing if I get pulled over.


neekav t1_j58qgr5 wrote

I had a similar situation in 1990. My husband and I bought a used car in Oklahoma while he was in the military. I drove it home to Washington with the temporary license. The dealer didn't send the license plates before the temp expired. When I tried to register it in Washington it was going to cost over $500. The very nice lady at the licensing agent told me that if the car didn't have an expired out of state plate, things would be easier. I had my husband register the car in Oklahoma and send me the plates. With a current out state plate it only cost $60 to register the car in Washington.