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jesseboyphotos t1_j5k53s1 wrote

You’d probably fit in well in Olympia if your political beliefs are blue. They’re pretty progressive out there. Tacoma is okay but the crime rate is pretty insane. They don’t call it Tacompton for nothing. If seeing homeless people is not a regular thing where you live now, you’re in for a culture shock. The homeless have tent cities literally everywhere in Tacoma and Olympia. Now that I got that stuff out of the way, they both have a lot to offer. A lot of work, great food, tons of outdoor fun opportunities extremely close by. It’s super expensive out here but, depending on what job you land, you should be good. The cost of living is outrageous. I’m in the Army and wouldn’t be able to live comfortably if I didn’t live on the base. One of the reasons why I’m leaving. I’ve been here almost 10 years and I love it dearly, I have a deep connection with this state but I can’t afford to live here anymore. I can get by, but I can’t live comfortably and to me that’s no life at all.


Haisha4sale t1_j5lv1wi wrote

You've gotta be blue + a little bit more. Jazz hands preferred over clapping, etc.