Submitted by SmartSherbet t3_10quusw in WorcesterMA

Toomey is one of a few people in this city (two, to be precise - her and the city manager) who can conduct meaningful oversight of the Worcester PD. At last night's City Council meeting, she saw fit to be texting while standing next to a community member delivering a prayer to end racial injustice and police brutality.

We've gotta vote this lady out, as well as Mayor Petty, who's responsible for appointing her to this position.



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beqardi t1_j6sdpto wrote

Cameraperson for this meeting saying hi! I'm tickled that I caught this because honestly I was just trying to get a good shot of Sarai's fit (which was fire).


AWalker17 t1_j6rx5s2 wrote

Why was there a prayer to begin with? What happened to separation of church and state?


orzechod t1_j6sbgrh wrote

gonna be wild when you read up on the Pledge of Allegiance


AWalker17 t1_j6sgnqf wrote

What makes you think I’m unaware of the history of the pledge? God shouldn’t be involved in that either.


Turbulent_Leg6503 t1_j6sy72w wrote

It’s a prayer. She’s government. honestly, I don’t want to see my political leaders praying to anybody. I was raised catholic but you wouldn’t ever catch me participating at a professional event


SmartSherbet OP t1_j6t2x5g wrote

You're gonna be pretty disappointed in just about any local government meeting you attend, in that case. Nonsectarian prayers are extremely common. Given the historical importance of the Black Church in the Civil Rights Movement and Black movements more generally, there is going to be a religious voice in the movement for police reform for a long time.


Pdq516 t1_j6t3woy wrote

You're right, it is disappointing.


neilkelly t1_j6uy8x4 wrote

there is a huge difference difference between “not participating” and “being disrespectful.” she didn’t have to participate in the prayer, but the texting could’ve waited the one minute that it went on.


teddygrahamdispenser t1_j6s22tm wrote

This was wild to watch live. And then to learn that she held all of the items related to the police...just great stuff. Toomey is the worst person to have in charge of the public safety committee and Petty deserves a lot of blame for continuing to allow her to chair it.


Kpop2258 t1_j6u7smk wrote

Is Worcester unsafe?


boba79 t1_j6uplmp wrote

How did you connect those dots? One of the safest mid-sized cities in the country.


Kpop2258 t1_j6uqg2p wrote

Just asking a question. Tbh idek what the public safety committee is


neilkelly t1_j6uydsq wrote

It’s the committee that oversees, the police department. Toomey is the chairperson.


Kpop2258 t1_j6uyif5 wrote

Well then if Worcester is safe then she must be doing her job well 🤷‍♂️


neilkelly t1_j6uywe6 wrote

I’m sure that’s why the federal government is investigating the department. And why we keep having to pay fines and settlements due to the actions of police officers. It is possible to be a safe city and have a controlled police force.


AAmongul t1_j6s1zkm wrote

Sorry, prayer is not as sensitive/sacred an activity to a lot of ppl these days, though that lady does seem old enough to still seem like she would care about prayer


teddygrahamdispenser t1_j6s2waa wrote

In this case it's less about the fact that it's a prayer and more about what the prayer is concerning (and about Toomey's behavior given her position as the chair of the public safety committee).


AAmongul t1_j6s7rf4 wrote

That is a good point, it is a bad look, i just dont think having a prayer circle is the best way to solve important issues like the one being discussed


yennijb t1_j6t0e1p wrote

It was essentially a statement being read before a moment of silence, regardless of it being a prayer she should not have been on her phone and then holding every single item related to the police on the agenda.


rrsafety t1_j6ulyso wrote

She probably heard the same type of speech many times.


D_is_for_Doomsayer t1_j6sbkad wrote

Classic Toomey.


legalpretzel t1_j6tcbar wrote

It really is…the apple sweater, acting completely insensitive during a speech about racism and injustice, looking fairly uncomfortable throughout…


darksideofthemoon131 t1_j6s64w3 wrote

She was ordering a new outfit from the Dress Barn. Totally understandable.


NotThatRoanoke t1_j6sfdsx wrote

In her defense she has like 15 glasses of Pinot Gris before every council meeting.


theghostecho t1_j6uclpu wrote

can't even have thoughts and prayers anymore


Icy_1 t1_j6rzoqv wrote

Of all the things to worry about, you pick this? What are you hoping to accomplish by stirring this pot?


F_Southerners t1_j6s2e9f wrote

"Why does it matter if the person in charge of the police doesn't care about police misconduct? Don't you have better things to do like watch your wife be fucked by local police officers while I- I mean you watch?"


Boxziti t1_j6v6h8g wrote

Or watching you get broke backed by local policemen as you live stream on your only-fans site and post the link to your venmo account.


SmartSherbet OP t1_j6t933a wrote

Yeah, I worry that the chairperson of the city council that oversees the police thinks her texts matter more than honoring victims of police murder.

What I hope to accomplish is getting her off the city council.

Any other questions?


DMoney1133 t1_j6sflc1 wrote

She's been on the council for like at least 20 years, might be her time to go. I'm no longer in the city so I can't help with a vote, but good luck to you all.


YukaBazuka t1_j6sj8ei wrote

What can we do?


neilkelly t1_j6uynsd wrote

Vote for anyone but her. She’s running at large, so we all get a chance to get rid of her.


Karen1968a t1_j6v7c9o wrote

But she WILL win.


SmartSherbet OP t1_j6wtv1n wrote

I hope you're wrong, but even if you're not, we can also make a great change for the city by pressuring Petty not to appoint her to this position next cycle.


Karen1968a t1_j6xapqo wrote

Or, pressure him to keep her there, depending on your point of view.


Dont_Call_Me_Sir t1_j6vdjax wrote

Well it’s time to vote her out. That’s totally disrespectful.