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Temporary_Target4156 t1_j7cc401 wrote

They charge us employees too; the kits only bare because it’s a weekend. On weekdays it’s packed.

They could definitely stand to have some extra parking though on campus. A good chunk of the parking is for the University, while whatever is left is fir everyone else. There was more before they built the new research building, but once they decided to build that it basically took a parking garage out of commission


aintbaroque t1_j7dcpg5 wrote

Yup I worked at the med school part-time for minimum wage and I legit had to pay for parking directly out of my paycheck.


Unable-Bison-272 t1_j7cf9rl wrote

Every hospital does this.


masshole4life t1_j7d9r61 wrote

yes, but they generally validate so you don't end up paying almost 10 bucks. it starts adding up quick if you need to go there a lot. saint v validates.

the lavine cancer center at memorial is the worst. the lobby pay machine is cash only so to pay with a card you do it at the exit barrier. this creates long lines that have five times made me have to pay the 3 bucks when i was in an out of the lab in 20 minutes. they purposely manufacture long lines so you don't get out before the 30 minute mark.

then when i drive myself to chemo at the acc i pay about 10 each time.

so 3 dollars x3 per month at lavine and up to 20 per month at lake ave and that doesn't include cat scan appointments, neuro appointments, and all the rest. getting rides is difficult.

fuck umass and their predatorial parking fees. it's not just people visiting gran for a few days that have to park there.


Wbcn_1 t1_j7d3s9c wrote

I was there everyday for two weeks last month. It was usually $4 each time. I thought it was reasonable.


NativeMasshole t1_j7cft2f wrote

Parking sucks in Worcester.


Wbcn_1 t1_j7drpbr wrote

I don’t think so. Whenever I come to Worcester it’s pretty easy to find parking.


digifxplus t1_j7er9yg wrote

Employees have to pay to park in the employee lot too, which is absolute insanity.


jbcg t1_j7dm8hu wrote

St Vincent’s validates free parking for patients fwiw. The patient experience (including parking) at UMass scared me away forever.


MrsNightskyre t1_j7e5sl7 wrote

St. V's has its own problems... but parking isn't nearly as much of a chore there.


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_j7e8m9b wrote

Every hospital charges. It’s not like it’s the middle of Nebraska and there is tons of land for infinite parking. It’s also pretty inexpensive.


albalfa t1_j7eatvg wrote

I am trying really hard to not go off on a charging to park rant here. Yes, I have paid repeatedly here at UMMHC when a loved one was hospitalized. It is shameful to charge so one can be beside the bed of someone they love while they are hospitalized.

I also hope there is a special place in hell for whomever decided that I have to pay to park at the university (not UMass) that my child attended and I was paying $50k a year for.

There aren't many hills that I will die on. This is one.


LowkeyPony t1_j7ccy25 wrote

I have a specialist in that building, and am looking to change doctors because of the bull shit parking


IIRizzII t1_j7hvjuf wrote

I agree! My husband spent a month and a half there, not too long ago because he suffered a stroke and had other medical issues. The most I paid in one day was eight dollars, and that was just for one day. Not to mention I have children that had appointments there, so a couple days I had to pay to park twice. -It wasn’t until a couple days before he was discharged that I learned that if you go to valet, you could pay for a week, which would’ve been significantly cheaper. Some days I wouldn’t even visit because I couldn’t afford it. It definitely is a financial burden on some and it’s unfortunate.


mneeb11887 t1_j7jbsyb wrote

We switched pediatricians to get away from that parking disaster. Paying for parking was ridiculous, but even when we accepted that and valet, it would take 20-30 mins to get our car. It felt like going to the airport.


Ovaltene17 t1_j7kjudg wrote

Milford Hospital has free parking and I have found the care to be a lot better as well.

One time I was at the UMASS ER on a Saturday night and there were fights in the waiting room, multiple people overdosing, and just didn't feel at all safe at all. Left and went to Milford Hospital - there was a much shorter wait and the waiting room was peaceful. No fights! And of course free parking.


IIRizzII t1_j7kmdw0 wrote

The Clinton ER is significantly quieter as well, with a short wait, and friendly staff.


Boxziti t1_j7ktikm wrote

All the state hacks at the med school hog all the parking spaces. Umass med is an absolute dumping ground for state connected hacks.