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UncleFedora t1_j7iz10z wrote

Reply to comment by UncleFedora in Sobriety Checkpoint by Gemnicherry

Or we could just turn all the roads into sidewalks and make it a walking city like some of the people in here want.


nitwitsavant t1_j7l8o1u wrote

I mean, this is Worcester county not city of Worcester. So could be up in Westminster or down in Paxton. None of those communities could feasibly be converted to walking only.

Historically I think they did stuff on rt 20 on the line to Shrewsbury last time they did one of these. I believe they also did 140 in sterling.


Ovaltene17 t1_j7kij7b wrote

LOL. Yup. And no more parking spaces. Those can be utilized to plant a tree or make it a green space.