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orions_cat t1_j8sha0o wrote

I made a post on here about a year ago about the trash in Worcester. I've only lived here a little over a year but I come from a city that I felt was pretty similar to Worcester but with a higher population. The other city is nowhere near as trashy as Worcester - like it's a glaring difference. Our recycling bins were the exact same large bins with wheels and a flip top lid as our trash bins, just one was brown (trash) and one was green (recycling). Recycling only needed to be collected every other week because the bins were so big.

I loved the comments I got on my previous post though. Over 100 comments where 60% were people telling me "If you think this is bad, don't go to New York City!", 40% were people telling me if I don't like it I can clean it myself or leave, and about 10% of people agreeing. Hahaha

My favorite part about the random New York comments was that I responded to them by saying, "Yeah I don't plan on ever going to NYC." and then the other person would comment back, "Oh but you should! There's so much culture!" Haha you just told me not to go because of the immense trash everywhere...