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otnh t1_j8vzd53 wrote

Central Mass Oral Surgery


Rosseaux t1_j8wh7ec wrote

Northeast Periodontal Specialists at 65 Elm St. Everybody there was 100% great. I saw Dr. Rafla.


DarkFire989 t1_j8wupnf wrote

Oral Surgery Partners - Northborough. Dr Kim. All 4 were impacted and he did a fantastic job.


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_j8xqfpo wrote

They told me one price in person, then a second price on the phone (she assured me she set the prices so I should listen to her), and then on the day of the root canal they asked for a third much higher price altogether. Another time I had a crown put in and it isn’t lined up with any of my other teeth. They do have nice new equipment though, crowns 3d printed while you’re in the seat. Dr Fuller himself is great, he did my root canal but not the crown, the problems seem to lie with everyone else. This is a nitpick but they also spelled molar as “moler” on my paperwork lol.


operator_1337 t1_j8z9naf wrote

Firstly you need an oral surgeon, not a dentist. A dentist is needed to get a referral to see the oral surgeon, mostly for insurance reasons.

Some dentists will take out non impacted wisdom teeth, but almost all will refer you to an oral surgeon.

I can't recommend any oral surgeons as I hadn't needed one since I've moved too central mass. But I wanted to explain that difference between a dentist and oral surgeon. The big difference is the Surgeon can knock you out with good drugs and is skilled with a blade.


ladyofcasterlyrock t1_j9119t0 wrote

Another recommendation for Dr. Laurie Manthos. I have extreme dental anxiety and she was absolutely wonderful.


Confident_Attitude t1_j9auv6v wrote

I was about to post the exact same question lol, thanks to everyone for your input.