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BrokedownAlice69 t1_jaoti49 wrote

Or you could be like my asshole neighbor. He never takes the dog out. Pisses and shits in his apartment. When he takes out the trash you can smell all the poop. Itā€™s a big apartment building. Heā€™s so lazy itā€™s unbelievable. We share a wall and him and his wife just fight in bed all day. Itā€™s unreal


Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_jaozsha wrote

Damn that sucks you have to deal with that. Literally canā€™t stand ā€œpet ownersā€ that donā€™t take accountability and lack decency. Poor dog probably doesnā€™t see the light of day. Iā€™d leave a bunch of baking soda in front of their door so they get the hint xD


BrokedownAlice69 t1_jap5uyn wrote

Ya im not getting involved. They are crazy. They fight 24/7 and the woman always calls the cops and then when they get there she says she doesnā€™t remember what happened. He pushed her and she cracked her head open and was screaming she had a hole in her head and he was going to jail. Perfect opportunity for her to lock him up and when they get there she says she doesnā€™t know how she fell and he didnā€™t do anything.

Ya the walls are thin as hell. I finally had it. They never stop. Never . She finally moved out. I donā€™t know where she is but I moved my tv and speaker against there wall because the guy sleeps in the bedroom when sheā€™s gone and is the loudest grossest snorer of all time. It sounds like heā€™s dying. The tv and speaker pissed him off so much. Whenever he starts snoring I blast it and he starts swearing and goes and sleeps somewhere else.

I will win the battle!


Whole-Wishbone-7539 t1_jasx2nh wrote

Lol, you should call adult protective services. Living in a biohazard has to constitute some kind of thing that they can do.


BrokedownAlice69 t1_jb0gn57 wrote

I donā€™t butt into other peoples lives. They choose to live in a bio hazard thatā€™s on them. I donā€™t smell anything thankfully because Iā€™m 99% sure their dog isnā€™t allowed in the bedroom which is the wall we share. But Iā€™m 100% sure they donā€™t take him out because I was working from home for a while and hear clearly when they unlock and open their front door. It never opened. Either they use a cat liter for the dog, or it just shits and pisses on the floor .