Submitted by Otherwise-Vehicle165 t3_11gf3fn in WorcesterMA

Like seriously, its just flat out inconsiderate and annoying. I walk my dog around our neighborhood to find piles all around the sidewalk. Even next to the neighborhood school alllll alongside the sidewalk. Poor kids and faculty must play hot lava every morning and mid afternoon to avoid stepping in it. I even caught someone deep in our yard walking their dog. As if their isnā€™t a park just down the block to walk your dog. Super audacious and disrespectful and inconsiderate. PICK. UP. YOUR. DOGS. šŸ’©



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BrokedownAlice69 t1_jaoti49 wrote

Or you could be like my asshole neighbor. He never takes the dog out. Pisses and shits in his apartment. When he takes out the trash you can smell all the poop. Itā€™s a big apartment building. Heā€™s so lazy itā€™s unbelievable. We share a wall and him and his wife just fight in bed all day. Itā€™s unreal


Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_jaozsha wrote

Damn that sucks you have to deal with that. Literally canā€™t stand ā€œpet ownersā€ that donā€™t take accountability and lack decency. Poor dog probably doesnā€™t see the light of day. Iā€™d leave a bunch of baking soda in front of their door so they get the hint xD


BrokedownAlice69 t1_jap5uyn wrote

Ya im not getting involved. They are crazy. They fight 24/7 and the woman always calls the cops and then when they get there she says she doesnā€™t remember what happened. He pushed her and she cracked her head open and was screaming she had a hole in her head and he was going to jail. Perfect opportunity for her to lock him up and when they get there she says she doesnā€™t know how she fell and he didnā€™t do anything.

Ya the walls are thin as hell. I finally had it. They never stop. Never . She finally moved out. I donā€™t know where she is but I moved my tv and speaker against there wall because the guy sleeps in the bedroom when sheā€™s gone and is the loudest grossest snorer of all time. It sounds like heā€™s dying. The tv and speaker pissed him off so much. Whenever he starts snoring I blast it and he starts swearing and goes and sleeps somewhere else.

I will win the battle!


Whole-Wishbone-7539 t1_jasx2nh wrote

Lol, you should call adult protective services. Living in a biohazard has to constitute some kind of thing that they can do.


BrokedownAlice69 t1_jb0gn57 wrote

I donā€™t butt into other peoples lives. They choose to live in a bio hazard thatā€™s on them. I donā€™t smell anything thankfully because Iā€™m 99% sure their dog isnā€™t allowed in the bedroom which is the wall we share. But Iā€™m 100% sure they donā€™t take him out because I was working from home for a while and hear clearly when they unlock and open their front door. It never opened. Either they use a cat liter for the dog, or it just shits and pisses on the floor .


Sassmaster008 t1_jap7ybj wrote

There are responsible dog owners and then there are the ones who don't clean up after their dogs. I don't understand why they don't pick up the poop. It takes all of 30 seconds at most.

There's also those who can't be bothered with holding a leash or containing their dogs. Those owners are the absolute worst. I don't want to pull on my dog cause you can't keep yours on a leash cause they're a "nice" dog. It doesn't matter, dogs all react differently to animals off leash.

I hate people, I love dogs!


ContentDoctor t1_japga5y wrote

Please for the love of God put your dogs on leashes. Your dog might be friendly. Mine probably wonā€™t be.


Sassmaster008 t1_japh10z wrote

I had a lady at elm park approach me in the parking lot while my dog was on a leash to say, I'm bringing my dog through. I was like ok whatever. What she meant to say is, I'm letting my dog run around unleashed and be a pain in your ass while your dog is leashed. I was amazed at her stupidity. I'm restraining my dog, get yours under control you moron. No I don't want your dog coming up to mine unleashed. There's signs all over saying all dogs must be leashed too there. People are the worst


Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_jarfxhd wrote

Like at least let your dog shit in your yard or something. I dont care your property but to not pick up in public places is just bonkers to me. Maybe its because theres not a lot of human traffic around that people think hey no ones looking itā€™ll be fine. No integrity super lazy and super selfish


Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_jaoqt97 wrote

Cold weather in NE, nothing new. Wear gloves. Not a valid excuse. Maybe picking up leavings with your bare hands will keep em nice and warm? Sounds like a win-win to me.


Confident_Attitude t1_japxshf wrote

They make bags that attach to the leash for this reason, you donā€™t have to touch anything!


corgibutt19 t1_jap14l7 wrote

If this is along Belmont St....

There's a particular couple that has multiple dogs, almost always off leash (and poorly trained - are they trying to watch them get hit??!) and they never clean it up. Used to pick it up for them if it hadn't been squished into the sidewalk by the time I took my dogs up there.


Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_jarefkx wrote

Wow youā€™re better than me, just wow


corgibutt19 t1_jaruk7w wrote

It was selfishly motivated; I was walking my own dogs there and didn't want anyone to think I was the culprit.


cmoney1142 t1_jaoq3qb wrote

Average dog = great

Average dog owner= meh

Problem solved


Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_jaortqv wrote

Not willing to accept that an average dog owner doesnā€™t pick up after their dog. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


cmoney1142 t1_jap9qs1 wrote

In the 90s, burger King introduced the 1/3 pounder with cheese to compete with the 1/4 pounder with cheese.

It failed. Feedback said that the consumer thought they were getting ripped off.

They thought they were buying a smaller burger.

The average person is a complete moron.

The average dog owner is as lazy and stupid as every other average American. Emphasis on lazy.

At best, half of them think to clean it up. At best. Half the country thought 1/3 was less than 1/4th


sceaga_genesis t1_japwf3b wrote

I feel like I know where you live, but itā€™s everywhere. Am dog owner and school dad who steps in shit.


Otherwise-Vehicle165 OP t1_jargzbx wrote

xD funny the way you phrased that but yeah itā€™s ridiculous do dog owners not know that poop can carry diseases? To let your dog shit near a school and not pick it up is borderline an act of terrorism


Flat_Owl2401 t1_jaqt5o3 wrote

For the same reason people leave dirty diapers on the beach and sidewalks.


Itchy_Rock_726 t1_jaqvkdi wrote

I'm a dog owner and will be the first to say that dog owners can be some of the most entitled people on earth.


lucidguppy t1_jaopa8o wrote

I have a bag capsule that I can hook used bags to once they're used. That way I don't have to hold them in hand. It makes things easier.

Leavings tend to increase in the winter time, people probably don't want to get their hands too cold.


Virtual_Announcer t1_jas0jh4 wrote

I don't ever pick up my dog. She's 70 pounds and hates being lifted so I just let her roam the earth as intended.


Whole-Wishbone-7539 t1_jasyokl wrote

My dog is 60lbs. And we play a game called struggle snuggle. Basically I hold him and tell him that he's my world and daddy's precious little man while he looks uninterested.


hockeystick13 t1_jas5qqv wrote

Cause people suck, I come home from work on trash day and if Iā€™m not paying attention the next day my garage will reek of shit cause someone chucks there do doo bag in my empty barrel


420blazeit69nubz t1_jat16rd wrote

I stepped off my walk away at the apartment complex/building I live at because someone was carrying something big and I immediately stepped in dog shit not even 6ā€ off the sidewalk.


saintmusty t1_jarycpr wrote

Maybe they saw a passive aggressive sign telling them to pick up their dog's poop. If they were the type of person who wouldn't pick it up, that sign didn't convince them, and if they were the type of person who would pick it up, that sign may have convinced them not to.


NotThatRoanoke t1_japahci wrote

Devil advocate: You pickup naturally biodegradable material and put it in plastic.

Before you get the pitchforks, I don't own a dog..or lawn..


whatifiwerejesus t1_japfeap wrote

Dog shit can carry diseases in it. You can buy compostable bags. Problem solved.


Lr0dy t1_jcp2ifw wrote

Compostable/biodegradable bags are something of a misnomer - they are still plastic bags made from the same petroleum products, but designed to visibly break down until they can no longer be seen. They do not decompose, however, rather they turn into microplastics which are even more harmful than the bag itself.


aj676 t1_japtf3l wrote

So people just accept dog shit everywhere?


[deleted] t1_jaqoagj wrote



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