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operator_1337 OP t1_jape3p1 wrote

At first I wasn't sure what I was looking at(well I had some idea, just wasn't sure what planet specifically), until I pulled up my sky chart application, and realized what was happening lol

Edit, Downvoted for not knowing what planets I was looking at? Lol


albalfa t1_japg3nl wrote

I do the same thing all the time!

I am always looking up--Planes and helicopters overhead? Pull out on my phone to see what that one is. Hell, even birds :) Catching an eagle or hawk doing their thing up there, just awesome.

Not sure if this is your thing, but I subscribe to NASA's Spot The Station which gives you a heads-up when the ISS will be passing over your location. Includes the direction in the sky it appears, the angle above horizon, duration of visibility, and where it will leave your visibility.

After several years of subscribing, I still go out to watch it 90% of the time it will be overhead--about 2-3 times a month or so. (Unless you're a sick-in-the-head morning person who is up at 4 or 5AM in which case you can see it a couple additional times monthly).


albalfa t1_jau6p3b wrote

> Edit, Downvoted for not knowing what planets I was looking at? Lol

Lol is exactly right. Shrug the idiots off. Mom's basement is boring and they wait for anyone happier than they are to appear, so they can mash on that down arrow.

Just laugh, roll your eyes, and move on. It drives them insane.