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Evans_Notch t1_jb5gjy8 wrote

If it’s the building I’m thinking of, it’s the Crown Castle Fiber’s colo data center at 474 Main st.


foredom t1_jb7w7jk wrote

Two different buildings. You have the correct address for Crown Castle which is across from City Hall. OP is talking about the gargantuan eyesore at approximately 175 Main across from Armsby Abbey.


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jb6a43w wrote

This is the correct answer^. To OP if you are looking to work there, I looked on Crown Castle job listings, nothing for Worcester, so either not looking for NOC operators or they staff the NOC through a MSP, or retained old ATT staff


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jb6qm0o wrote

And per the Crown Castle wiki page, they lease these data centers from ATT for $1900/month each location


PCRandomer123 t1_jb72ury wrote

The Lightower Folks you say, the ones that were bought out? Heard they had an intensive fiber network throughout the city, hopefully it gets put to good use besides downtown.


EyeTack t1_jb7skjm wrote

Crown Castle has all of what was considered Lightower, Sidera, and N-Star in the area. They are one of the few carriers you can get dark fiber from.