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FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbjdsly wrote

A difference of 8-15 people would put them all in the same category in most statistics groupings. This is essentially saying that Boston, Worcester, Tampa, New Bedford and Brockton are all roughly the same with, shockingly IMO, Brockton being the safest of the group. Surprised about Lowell as that city sketched me out the most. Daytona doesn't surprise me.

I'm curious about your source and from when these numbers are as well.


gopperman t1_jbjse7f wrote

I mentioned it up above but

edit: Also, you might be reading the stats backwards, Brockton is the least safe of the median bunch at 1/156, Tampa the safest at 1/178, but I agree they're all pretty similar enough.


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbk75d4 wrote

Yeah I did read that wrong. I read it as 186. Fucking old man eyes over here.