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jpm01609 t1_jbmam7m wrote

people in parade walk east from Park/mill to Highland you want to keep your eyes for paraders going in THAT direction


if you look the other way, you will only see their backsides, and that would be sad


amandaflash t1_jbmhvd7 wrote

It gets pretty rough down around Austin to Pleasant Streets, the other end of Park has better viewing.


Atari875 t1_jbmp38x wrote

They’re will be drunk college kids and Irish people. Those groups may overlap.


thisisntmynametoday t1_jbmuuad wrote

I used to live on Abbott Street. The snow pile in the back of the Rice Funeral Home parking lot was a popular outdoor bathroom.

One especially snowy winter meant there was a massive snow pile in the back that was especially tall and slippery, and people kept sliding down messy parts on the back of it and getting stuck on the fence, covered in well, you know.


zekrioca t1_jbnef98 wrote

What do you do, just follow them and drink through Park Ave.? Or do people usually watch from bars?


cmajka8 t1_jbnp6vd wrote

I went once when I was in college and that was enough for me


Buckwheatking67 t1_jbntg9t wrote

Going to be a great day! Lots of families, college kids just trying to have fun 🍀


MuthrPunchr t1_jbnwwfp wrote

If you follow the parade it never changes. If you are getting bored of the parade, walk in the opposite direction and you will fast forward the parade.


CoolAbdul t1_jbo6uoq wrote

It's Amateur Day. The green plastic bowler crowd.


CoolAbdul t1_jbo71ir wrote

Leitrim's may be open. It might not. Nobody is ever really sure of Leitrim's hours.


ssumana t1_jbodv0u wrote

its usually cold and windy


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_jbpom3j wrote

Buncha likeminded drunks celebrating the expulsion of non-Christians from Ireland. Don’t wear a mask or you’ll be heckled at best.


New_Serve6270 t1_jbtwgud wrote

Long 3 hours, 1 hour watch then go somewhere else.