Submitted by flipper1965 t3_11nqcts in WorcesterMA

I don't like the bars. Kind of a gamer nerd M(33) -isolated,bored and alone - what do single people in Worcester do to meet other introverts?

edit - WOW - so many cool people in the Worcester area - I had no idea - Thank You all so much - need to build up some ambition and confidence and go - but please keep the awesome ideas and support coming - PEACE😎😎

edit2 - I guess I am not as alone as I thought - Be Blessed everyone



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Pvt_Wierzbowski t1_jbodz4n wrote

That’s Entertainment


Magicannon t1_jbop2o5 wrote

It's a bit of a ride, but down 146 in Whitinsville there's a card shop called Great Stories. They do the main TCGs, tabletop stuff including Warhammer-style things and D&D, and there's comics available too.

Magic is the most popular TCG there and they have way more space for it compared to That's E.


raider34 t1_jbos7d6 wrote

The people at Great Stories are awesome. I’m not into a lot of the things in there but my young son is and they spend waaaaaay more time than I’d ever expect anyone to with him and explain things that I can’t answer or get him curious about things other than Pokémon. Love, love love Great Stories.


Mortal-Nightmare t1_jbpq4sr wrote

I will third the above. Great stories has become my favorite shop to visit. So much space for open play of various games. Very willing to help anyone in the store, I am there for myself with bigger games somedays and my young kids for Pokemon cards others. All times they have been happily talking with customers, taking calls and seeing things aside for folks coming in shortly. They really take the extra time for anyone no matter what they may end up getting while there. Thanks to all who work there!


mistersmithutah t1_jbqyx4v wrote

I love it there! We discovered it over the holidays and the folks that run the place are great! My kid goes there for MTG and my fam is set up for comics. Ad an aside, Friendly Liquors is in the same park and they are also fantastic.


22Burner t1_jbr8q2d wrote

I know a kid from Whitinsville, he’s one of my seniors and says the town is tiny


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jboi1nx wrote

Or the Otaku place in Auburn mall


bentheechidna t1_jbonwko wrote

Otaku Sekai. Never been but I'm in a discord server for TCG players in Worcester that I found through That's E and they talk about Otaku Sekai and other LGS's around Worcester county.


Pvt_Wierzbowski t1_jboqhwr wrote

Otaku Sekai is wonderful. I hope they stick around.


Lil_Brown_Bat t1_jbp71zv wrote

>Otaku Sekai

Huh. When did that get there?


Pvt_Wierzbowski t1_jbpgm9i wrote

A few months ago, I think. They used to be a floor kiosk, but they've since moved into the old Hollister space. I do like how a Japanese-themed space occupies a storefront modeled to look like a Southern California beachside bungalow.


Esuts t1_jbqd9bh wrote

I mean, lean into it and get those One Piece cardboard cutouts, am I right?


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jbpgdxo wrote

You haven't frequented the Auburn mall recently, I don't blame you. (it's been there around the same time Aunty Annie's closed)


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_jbp9vi6 wrote

Went there looking to buy manga, don’t know how they stay open when they don’t sell anything


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jbpa444 wrote

this^ there is no way they are bringing in enough to afford mall rent, too niche


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_jbpam45 wrote

They had some candy and soda for sale but that was it I think? The person working was like uhhh no but there might be some manga laying around you can read here lol.


Aeolian_Wisp t1_jbr6gwh wrote

I actually work there! If you're a tabletop rpg player we have some one-shot nights coming up that still have open spots. Totally free. Just give us a call to sign up. :)


Pvt_Wierzbowski t1_jbrjy5k wrote

Forever grateful your store exists and survived 2020. Thank you for your service.


NoIdeaWhatToD0 t1_jbog6t0 wrote

It sucks that that's like the only place around here.


tommyverssetti t1_jbopblw wrote

They’re not though there’s a card store at Public Market as well. Joes Albums as well for records. I guess they’re the only one locally that sells used gaming systems.

And a new card store on Route 9 in Shrewsbury next to Bean Counter


outb0undflight t1_jbpkwzp wrote

There's also a retro game store that opened up in Shrewsbury called Lady Mo's Attic Treasures. Looks like they have some consoles and might have better luck getting stuff there than That's E where a lot of times the popular stuff sells real quick.

Retro gaming as a whole is too expensive for me now, but it could be a decent option.


NoIdeaWhatToD0 t1_jbs7xft wrote

What if you're not into gaming though and you're just an introvert in general?


Jesman1971 t1_jbpte32 wrote

I agree, go to the store , that’s entertainment!! Great retro, collectible store.


Atari875 t1_jbqkbbd wrote

Best thing about Worcester to be honest.


Virtual_Announcer t1_jbokqow wrote

Come watch some wrestling at the White Eagle Thursdays at 8. Wrestling Open is 10 bucks, food is amazing, and we're a good bunch of people.


jayhex414 t1_jboxkzk wrote

I’ll second this it’s the best thing happening on Thursday nights in the city. Best $10 you’ll ever spend.


Nalek t1_jbpnzqa wrote

Went to a show to see my cousin guest ring announce. Had a fantastic time, gotta get back there!


yennijb t1_jboimg3 wrote

Bars suck, but barcades like Free Play are pretty awesome.


oko666 t1_jboj5ig wrote

materia on june street just opened and looks cool


ebinsugewa t1_jbov2wb wrote

Second this. Owner is cool and anywhere that has arcade games for public play nowadays should be supported!


theCaityCat t1_jbrqakx wrote

Well now you have my attention. This sounds (looks?) rad as hell.


YukaBazuka t1_jbpo1tm wrote

Bro lets hit the gym 💪 wanna try boxing?


spiked_macaroon t1_jboio81 wrote

I just started playing DND with a bunch of other nerds I met right here.


MARetro t1_jboov93 wrote

All Systems Go.


JavierLoustaunau t1_jbokwot wrote

Boardgame meetups.


CoolAbdul t1_jboocun wrote



getyourcellon t1_jbpxm9w wrote

Redemption Rock now has boardgame meet ups on the 3rd Thursday of each month, I think? No pressure to drink, just show up and play games in their awesome space. The people who run it posted in Worcester the last two times, search for those posts and you should find links to their Discord for more updates


JavierLoustaunau t1_jboq7x8 wrote

Unfortunately when we lived in Worcester it was hardcore lockdown and we moved to Rhode Island a little over a year ago (the whole building got priced out). Here there are some great game nights and my wife goes to a queer game night.

As for Worcester I know a bunch of places where opening as I was leaving like beercades and gaming stores.

Apparently Medway has a monthly getogether that I have not attended.


That's Entertainment does demos. I love game demos, it is my favorite part of PAX (play a guided learn how session with some strangers).



Also there is a southern mass game designer group where people play each others prototypes.


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jboir3d wrote

You could look into joining a gaming/film/anime club at any of the local universities, as far as I know you don’t have to be a student to join (at least true for the WPI film nights, but this was long ago before COVID so YMMV, also WPI is your best bet in general because engineering schools by nature tend to have nerds, and they have a respectable game design program). Keep in mind you’ll be older than most of the group but at least you’ll be with likeminded people


East_Cartographer_57 t1_jbp5t2y wrote

If you play pokemon go, shoot me a dm and I can hook you up with a huge community.


AuxilliaryJosh t1_jbomoe0 wrote

PM me if you have any interest in boffer LARP combat. I promise it's more fun than it is lame. It's good exercise and a wonderful community. We have tons of loaner gear for newbies, too!


Moves_Like_Jello t1_jbooush wrote

while you said you don't like bars, there is All Systems Go which is an e-sports bar that has gaming and other fun themed pop up events fairly regularly.


Wendon t1_jbquovm wrote

I know it sounds scary as an introvert to do this but I forced myself to go to one of the board game/TTRPG nights at redemption rock brewery and now I'm playing two games with two separate groups of people. First time I've had extracurriculars since college, highly recommend you try it out! I think the next one might be next week?


Choobtastic t1_jbrekrb wrote

When is this?


Wendon t1_jbrq13g wrote

It is typically the third thursday of every month, so I think it should be this upcoming thursday? they advertise it on their facebook page, if you keep a look out this week when they post their events it should give a concrete date/time!


NoIdeaWhatToD0 t1_jbog540 wrote

Same. Except I'm not really into gaming. I'm just into games like GTA and I liked Hogwarts Legacy but there's not a lot of open world games out there that I like where I can play with different people. I tried WoW but I didn't like it and FPS's just make my brain hurt. Not to mention some communities are really toxic towards women, I've seen it.


KadenKraw t1_jbor3ab wrote

Elders Scrolls online is pretty fun! I play with my wife together its got good story quests.


Kortrah t1_jbp5dtt wrote

Second this. I've been going through different MMOs and I've put thousands of hours into ESO. The only time I've really seen "excessive" toxicity has been during the free play periods.


NoIdeaWhatToD0 t1_jbs86n8 wrote

Eh. I'm not really into the medieval time period. I just miss games like GTA or urban/city type games.


KadenKraw t1_jbt4hxw wrote



NoIdeaWhatToD0 t1_jbtukb9 wrote

I can't stand Star Wars either. Anything Space, Western or medieval times, I feel like has just been played out.


yennijb t1_jboihnl wrote

You talk about being against hostility towards women, yet you mention having played and liked hogwarts legacy. You realize that is fairly oximoronic right?


SweetHatDisc t1_jbojq7b wrote

People are so fucking weird about that game.


NativeMasshole t1_jbokwcj wrote

But how are we supposed to show that we respect people's right to choose how to live if we don't attack total strangers on the internet for choosing to play a game?


NoIdeaWhatToD0 t1_jbs8h94 wrote

I know. I was waiting for someone to go off on me just for talking about it but I don't really care, it's still the number one game of the year and tons of people are playing it/buying it regardless. JK Rowling already got her bag. Trans people even worked on the game ffs.


yennijb t1_jbol4c8 wrote

It's weird to stand up for trans people? To not give money to a bigoted TERF who uses it to hurt people?


SweetHatDisc t1_jbolsq3 wrote

Not in and of itself, but if the way you go about that is haranguing strangers on the internet because they enjoyed a video game, yeah, that is a bit weird.


KadenKraw t1_jbotomr wrote

You can be trans in Hogwarts legacy

The badass town inkeeper is trans

The game has an extremely diverse ethnic cast

There are several gay relationships in the game

The game represents and puts lgbtq people in a far greater light than any negativity from Rowling


yennijb t1_jbowj38 wrote

Except it funnels money towards her which she directly stated that she conciders proof that her TERF-ness is right and doubles down on the antisemitic issues with the goblins.....


KadenKraw t1_jboy8kx wrote

Except it also funnels money towards all the employees working on the game and all their families. Making money off of a game that has plenty of lgbt and poc representation.

Tell me how Goblins are antisemitic?

Goblins are bankers, merchants, artists, tradesmans in the Wizard world. Exactly the same as goblins or dwarves in other fantasy settings such as world of warcraft.

So why are goblins a jewish stereotype? Because some have hooked noses? That's the only difference between a dwarf. Pretty sure it makes you anti-semetic if you compare goblins to jews but not dwarves just because some goblins have hooked noses.

You are welcome to explain yourself better though.


yennijb t1_jbp603v wrote

I'm not Jewish, but I do understand history, and the use of a shofar like horn in relation to the 1612 uprising of goblins has been called out by many Jewish people and organizations as reflective of the pogroms against the Jewish uprising in Germany in 1612-1614.

It's not just about hooked noses and them being bankers, but those are extremely visual representations of stereotypes, and not the only negative ones JK seems to think it's fine to use and proliferate (there's also Asian and Irish ones).

Also, the "people who worked on the game" have already been paid, I worked in the game industry, unless you're a bigwig/ceo type person, you don't even have a chance at bargaining for royalties. I don't understand why people get that for movies but not games....


KadenKraw t1_jbp8lt2 wrote

Lol the goblin horn looks nothing like a shofar. Do you even know what one looks like or what the horn in game looks like? It looks way closer to a viking horn than a shofar so you are totally wrong there. Very rarely bejewl or put metal on a shofar. Its also made of animal horn not wood like the goblin horn its very obliviously viking style.

How do you feel the representation of Goblins in the wizarding world is negative? Like I said they are artists and artisans. We met many in the game. Like a merchant and painter or a sweet guy with a mooncalve pet. We even get help from the badguy's brother that is working against the bad goblin because he doesn't agree with his ideals. Goblins aren't presented as a homogeneous group at all or in a negative way.

> Also, the "people who worked on the game" have already been paid,

Do you think all work ends when a game releases? Do you think they get paid a lump sum for the whole development? What do you think happens to a studio and its employees if a game doesn't sell? It shutsdown and everyone is fired.

They aren't paid once for the game dude. They are still working every day for a paycheck, to provide patches, finish the other platform ports. And if the game does well, they keep their jobs and work on the next game or dlc.

> I'm not Jewish

Then I don't you need getting offended on my behalf. I grew up in a town of 16,000 jews and none of us ever compared the golbins to jews. Its only after JK got terfy and people wanted to find reasons to get upset. Way more jews see no issue then those that do. Or non jews that want to get offended on others behalf.


Liqmadique t1_jbom1ke wrote

Everything you own has probably been invented by, made by, or sold to you by someone somewhere that had shitty opinions or done way worse shit than JK Rowling has. The performative bull crap is stupid.


KadenKraw t1_jbottmq wrote

"I only boycott what has no negative impact on my life"


Ravenflaw t1_jbommbc wrote

That's E is the go-to geek shop in town. Beyond that, I stay home and camp my xbox or my computer. I don't like people much lol...


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jboi61u wrote

Just to be clear is this post for looking for likeminded friends or romance?


JavierLoustaunau t1_jbolbwx wrote

No romance, no names, no eye contact. No kissing on the mouth. No law enforcement.

Bring a board game.


BillWeld t1_jbomoi0 wrote

Cooking classes. Volleyball classes. You get the idea.


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbon4wc wrote

Meetup app is a good place to look. Not as active as other cities, but it does have good offerings.


goatsgomoo t1_jbpmgk6 wrote

If you have a car or are willing to ask for rides, start LARPing. Seriously, New England is probably the best place for it in the country, and the Worcester area is probably the best place in New England to have easy access to the various sites local LARPs use.

Ye Olde Commons is a fairly short drive, just down Rt 20/I-90 in Charlton.


tocsin1990 t1_jbpx9mv wrote

I second this. The LARP scene is prolific, and pretty easy to get into! Looking forward to next season.


ajohnson2371 t1_jbqdn0w wrote

For everything in Geek/Nerd culture, I would have to point right at That's Entertainment. I've been going to their store for 35 years now, back when they were on Chandler Street. My son goes there too, primarily for vinyl. I go there for RPG material.

I can also point out decent taprooms in the area (Greater Good being the best).


Magisterbrown t1_jbowh33 wrote

Go online. People in the IRL usually don't wanna get hit on.


HappyExperience9788 t1_jbp2vs0 wrote

You should join the gym to get your self confidence back plus it will give you something to do.And you can meet people there.


Historical_Ad_5229 t1_jbomf08 wrote

What are you into (other than video games)? Can totally relate as it’s tough these days to meet new peeps for actually hanging out


PM_me_spare_change t1_jboolqq wrote

Outside of That’s E, there’s a board game group that meets at Whole Foods cafe but I’m not sure where they are online


ryodark t1_jbp3b98 wrote

As a fellow mid-30's introvert gamer nerd in Central Mass...all my friends are online lol.


peachybabee t1_jbpeytj wrote

lots of cool comedy show around! Try beths on Grafton! all those comic guys love having new people around.


my_ashy_paintbox t1_jbpf7d6 wrote

Not trying to be sappy, but it was really nice seeing the nerds come out of the woodwork for this post. Nerds and Nerd Culture have been the butt of the joke for so long, when are people going to realize we run the world?, Some of the richest people in the world are nerds, Elon is a huge nerd, regardless of whether you like him or not.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is, to OP, you are not alone.


Ikirio t1_jbpth8a wrote

I (38m) play PZ online if you want to jump on and survive the zombie apocalypse. You can DM me if your interested. Not exactly getting out to meet people but it is meeting one person in town


Lumpymaximus t1_jbpzvl8 wrote

All systems go, play it forward.


Todayismyday98 t1_jbq133w wrote

Meet up has a lot of activities happening


noxiousmomentum t1_jbq295r wrote

ur in the dirty woo bro.. smoke some weed like the rest of us


Squaddr t1_jbpfvip wrote

They leave 😂