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xtraman122 t1_jctvqwl wrote

Shrewsbury St area was (And still is) very Italian. Quinsig Village used to be a lot of Swedes. Not sure on all the others but I know what you’re referring to, like someone else said, most of it is all gone now and things are blended in or changed altogether.


EastCoastDizzle t1_jctxhxr wrote

Spot on. My maternal grandparents were Italian and lived off Shrewsbury St. in their youth and then settled not too far away on the east side. My uncle by marriage has a lot of Swedish ancestry, grew up in the village. My paternal grandparents (Irish) I believe lived in the Belmont St. area and then settled in Burncoat.


mistersmithutah t1_jcu1ffs wrote

Yes! There used to be a church there called St. Catherine of Sweden.