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swoldier_force t1_jd0prdd wrote

This is why I’m a fan of the whole upvote/downvote system. It made Reddit what it was. If a post/comment is trolling or offensive let the people downvote it into oblivion. The system works.

When there is actual hate or threat of violence, then a moderator should step in and deliver a warning, followed by a ban if necessary.

Subreddit rules should be open to occasion discussion and community review.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_jd2fk38 wrote

I get that mods can do whatever they want in their sub as long as it doesn’t break TOS.

I also get that reddit requires mods to delete racist comments.

But… It’s just bizarre to me that while talking about diversity in an inclusive way, in my opinion, makes a person anti-racist, in linux’s opinion it makes you a racist. That is one weird definition of racism. By that definition, Michelle Obama is a racist for writing Becoming and Alex Haley is a racist for writing Roots, no?

Last I heard, POC consider “see no color” mentality as disrespectful.

Source: Ted Talk on See No Color