Submitted by apple-masher t3_11xyxtw in WorcesterMA

Hi Folks,

I'm considering buying a house in Putnam CT, and would be commuting up to Worcester. The house itself is great, the price is right, and the street it's on looks ok. but I'm not so sure about the town. It looks a little run down, and there's a bunch of Housing Authority buildings not too far away. it's on the eastern edge of the town, between the river and 395.

What are your thoughts? Is the town improving? Declining? is it safe?



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wasowka t1_jd5nfgw wrote

Moved from that area to Worcester and much happier here. People are much nicer in Worcester. Northeast CT is very Trumpy, full of swamp Yankees.


Sithlordbelichick t1_jd5hsww wrote

Northeast CT sucks I used to live in pomfret and unless you like confederate flags and cows your going to die of boredom


InevitableUsual4126 t1_jd5hi1g wrote

You're probably looking at a 45-60 minute ride unless you commute at not rush hour. Unless theres weather or some kind of accident along the way, then its anyones guess.


jimcreighton12 t1_jd69tiy wrote

Everyone I’ve met from that area is always a little off


rep85 t1_jd5ngly wrote

Do you have to live specifically in Putnam? Can you get to Mass in let’s say Webster and still get a decent house and shave off 20 minutes? Also property taxes are slightly cheaper in MA


General_Duf t1_jd5i5gi wrote

Can’t speak to the winter, but I commute from my campground near there to the city all summer. Drive isn’t bad typically. 45ish minutes +/-

Edit: I rarely hit traffic but I’m also coming through before 7 am.


Popmuzik412 t1_jd5v2z0 wrote

It’s not great and the schools are awful.


coldrunn t1_jd7k5g7 wrote

Putnam has a nice new municipal building and library. Two people I worked with lived there: one moved even closer to Hartford, the other works in Providence now. So that's a bonus: decent commute to PVD too.

But you get what you pay for, it's always been cheap. Still would take NE CT over Webster


spiked_macaroon t1_jd8vgg4 wrote

For like a year and a half I lived in Putnam and commuted to Auburn.

In my experience it's largely quaint. It seems like there's enough for kids to do and they have a bunch of community events, like music on the common with fire on the water, and an ice sculpture event. I spent a lot of time outdoors, mostly at the dam in West Thompson, but there are other nature-y spots all around.

Food and restaurants were generally pretty good. The Stomping Ground has a lot of live music.

The commute was the worst part, imo. Traffic was rarely bad, it's just a long drive through Thompson.


Speedwagon1935 t1_jd5wutd wrote

People in most of Connecticut and in that area of Putnam in general remind me of southern Californians. More of a "In the middle of Nowhere" type place even though it isn't exactly that.

They break the New Englander law of "We are assholes but we will help you" and follow the "We will be nice but leave you to your doom" type.


princess-smartypants t1_jd98pyw wrote

As someone from southern California who lived in this area of CT, I am not sure what you mean. SoCal is very diverse, mostly liberal, and I didn't realize how much the 'health conscious' stereotype of CA was true. Abysmal graduation rate, sub par schools, kids smoke, people are alarmingly disheveled. We lasted 3 years and moved to mass. People here are jerks, but are more educated, liberal, and open minded. That corner of CT also sucks for infrastructure -- limited shopping and entertainment options, we couldn't find a dentist taking new patients.


bootboard t1_jd653uj wrote

I would never voluntarily go anywhere in CT