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sceaga_genesis OP t1_jdot3bd wrote


"One of Shrewsbury's most famous residents in the twentieth century was Anthony A. Borgatti, Jr. (Spag). Born the oldest of four children on February 29, 1916, in Worcester (Mass.), he opened a tire and battery store on Route 9 in Shrewsbury (Mass.) in 1934 that by 1939 had expanded to hardware and other items, and since then, was known by Anthony's nickname, Spag's. He married Olive Lutz on November 24, 1940 in St. Anne's Church. Together they raised three daughters, Carol, Jean and Sandra. Olive died on December 28, 1990, and Spag died on February 23, 1996. Oil portraits of both Borgattis by Worcester artist Leon Hovesepian now hang in the Shrewsbury Public Library."


iftheycatchyou t1_jdp7yu1 wrote

I worked there in my high school & college years. It was a helluva store.


cjboffoli t1_jdrg7bq wrote

I worked there briefly in the late 80's as a cashier. I'll always regret not exploring more of the non-public areas of the complex. It's sad that all that remains of the place now is a tiny bronze plaque, given how huge that store was in the culture of the area. Something of a town square. You just never knew what long lost friend you were going to bump into while shopping there.


mtbmike t1_jdr0s8z wrote

What a man! He gave a lot to the town. He sent catering to every funeral in town for many years. Donated land.


swoldier_force t1_jdrz05i wrote

My mom tricked me once. Said we were going to Spag’s, ended up at Edgemere Drive-In. It was a magical night. I don’t remember the movie, but I just remember the prank.


hawilder t1_jdqpvoq wrote

My grandparents would come from Woonsocket to go there- and then come visit us. I think Spags was more the reason for the trips.


Wild_Bake_7781 t1_jdt6qfc wrote

Interesting it was originally a fishing and table store.


crash t1_jdt843x wrote

I never went there but I remember seeing the bumper sticker all the time in the 80s and 90s.