Submitted by chewyma t3_1230oz0 in WorcesterMA

What's a price range for a professional organizer, and does anyone have one they can recommend. I am looking to have my entire house gone through all closets as well as a garage. We are not dirty people, just not great at organizing for efficiency.



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becomingelle t1_jdstz3b wrote

I love organizing!!! I can organize things professionally?!?!? Might be time for a career change!


orielbean t1_jdzqdwi wrote

It's definitely a specific discipline; there are classes and trade groups, conventions, etc. Look it up!


archeusdevine t1_jdszkak wrote

Just a heads up, organizing isn't a do it once thing. You have to have the discipline to keep things organized and tidy up after EVERY single activity.


chewyma OP t1_jdt00qv wrote

Oh I agree wholeheartedly what I'm looking for is somebody doing an initial organization to help me figure out the place for things. I don't live in a messy house things are put away I would just like for somebody to come in to help me efficiently find ways to store as well as put things in a more proper place


swoldier_force t1_jdt2vic wrote

Honestly, give it a shot yourself by downsizing.

Get rid of stuff like crazy even if you have to give it away for free. If you haven’t used or worn it in 6 months, you could probably go without it.

If you search Minimalism on YouTube you will find a deep rabbit hole of online organizers with tons of tips and strategies.

Lastly, stop accumulating stuff. Let people know the best gift for you is no gift. Don’t buy stuff because it’s on sale. Don’t pickup stuff because it’s free. Don’t buy cheap stuff. If you need something, research the hell out of it, even if it’s something as mundane as a frying pan or kitchen knife. If you do it right, you’ll only need one or two, and they should last for life.