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FoxFogwell t1_irxp1cm wrote

This will change zero lives. Waste of time and money


Cheap_Coffee t1_iry1lhv wrote

It's not that big a deal, TBH.


[deleted] OP t1_iryebiv wrote

It is for the person who has to change their license and registration (do you like dealing with the RMV?! I really am not looking forward to that part), billing information on everything, leases, and all kinds of other things, all so someone at UMass can benefit no one but add to his resume.

They should put it to a vote of those of us who reside on Plantation Street.


UniqueCartel t1_is0vgnw wrote

It won’t be a vote. That’s not how these changes are made in the city’s charter. It could possibly be a vote if someone starts a citizens petition. Ask the city clerk about that process if you are interested.


JowCola t1_is3mk7s wrote

Not a big deal?

Cool, let's not do it, then


SonuvaGunderson t1_iryp4xb wrote

This is my take. Just go ahead and do it and not waste any time and resources to discuss it.

Why be precious about a street name?


very_random_user t1_irz18yf wrote

It is incredibly annoying for people and businesses with addresses on that street. A friend of mine lived through a change once and he had problems with mail, bills and packages for years.


Cheap_Coffee t1_is0s07y wrote

I find that hard to believe. I've moved every 6 years, on average. I've never had a problem with the change of address. You know the US postal service will forward your mail for up to 18 months after your change-of-address?

And, of course, I actually inform my creditors when I move.


very_random_user t1_is0uiur wrote

Completely different issue. In this case the old address disappears you aren't just moving around. Anyway, that was an experience I reported maybe he was unlucky. Different issue but, for instance, most curriers don't deliver at my parents main address because it's not correctly mapped on Gmaps. Small changes can make big differences.


Cheap_Coffee t1_is0y4tw wrote

The issue is "change of address." In both cases the address changed. The fact that one address (the old street name) doesn't exist anymore is irrelevant.

Perhaps this is an issue your friend should take up with the local postmaster. (As with your issue with carriers refusing to deliver to your parents' house.)
