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sirlurksalotaken t1_isp99tn wrote

It depends.

My kids mother had a c section in both.

A part of the process after the surgery a doctor would come in and physically check the location of the uterus by pushing forcefully on her belly.

It's incredibly painful, so I have been told.

At UMass they did this to her 3 times a day for 5 days. A troop of doctors would march in and a new one would push each time.

St Vincent's it was done once a day by the OBGN on duty.

We finally realized that at UMass, those were students or residents coming in and doing a necessary procedure more frequently than needed.

Honestly, I think UMass did a great job, just need to be aware that it is a teaching hospital.

St Vincent's... Never even got my kids mom's negative covid test until day 3 and did not quarantine us or anything until she got a random fever on day 2... They all went into a panic

But we all lived.