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sceaga_genesis t1_isyryoh wrote



albalfa t1_itakvf6 wrote

I take a few days off from the internet and I miss this. ARGH.


GabeD416 t1_isykkyw wrote

They’re two F-15s, they were circling over the area around the airport. A private jet landed there around the same time so I wonder if they were escorting it.


outb0undflight t1_isyrwtb wrote

Other poster mentioned it looked like they landed and immediately took off so they're probably working on touch-and-go landings. That would also be consistent with circling the airport area.


your_city_councilor t1_isyvtm7 wrote

Why would they do this?


outb0undflight t1_isz5txi wrote

It's a pretty routine part of pilot training. Pretty sure the Navy requires any carrier pilot who's been on land for more than a month to practice touch-and-go landings before they can land back on a carrier.


pharm888 t1_it176em wrote

F-15 is not a Navy plane and 99% these are based out of Springfield with MA Air national guard


ganduvo t1_isympmb wrote

They were making some weird chirping noise too. Thought it was car alarms at first but definitely coming from the jets.


Swak_Error t1_it2baj7 wrote

It's the nozzles at the end of the engine adjusting as they change engine output to adjust speed


newpageone OP t1_isyl0fd wrote

Thought they looked a little older than current models, thanks


SaintJewiub t1_isz1h0s wrote

Dang they just shook the hell out of the building I was working in. Wondered what that was. Neat to know!


OskieCat t1_isyj7op wrote

Yep. West side too.


TriceraDoctor t1_isyqr7c wrote

They were F-15s. Saw them fly over Lake Q. I know there’s the 104th Air National Guard fighter wing near Springfield that has 15s, not sure if this was them. Nothing on their social media pages.


bigtimephishguy t1_isys0c0 wrote

Most air-force planes over Worcester have been coming from CT per family in said planes. C130s are the usual ones but have been grounded though due to prop failures so maybe that’s why jets now?


tugaim33 t1_isyzs98 wrote

C130s are also from Newport. If there’s a lobster painted on the tail it’s the Newport base.


operator_1337 t1_isyn4c1 wrote

They're not sqwacking either, nothing on radar.

My gf sent me a video of how loud it was, my entire apartment was shacking


mtbmike t1_isz7vt0 wrote

What does that mean? Do you have a radar dish


operator_1337 t1_isz9z3v wrote

No it's an FAA requirement that all planes from military(non combat) to your grandfather's prop plane to broadcast/transmit at a minimum their location(geo coordinates, altitude and speed), As well as your plane's tail ID number and planned route (but that's not always public). This is to avoid mid air collisions, and allow flight towers /FAA to direct air traffic. This is all done through a device in the plane, it can be turned off and on.

There are websites that collect all this data and that allow you to see all this data from your web browser. Just Google "air traffic radar map", and you'll see tons of options. ( I prefer )

When the US government or military conduct operations they want kept out of the public eye, they have their planes turn off this, thus no longer "squawking" and invisible to just about everyone except themselves.


bigtimephishguy t1_isyl67a wrote

Saw them because of the noise, cool to see


iterable t1_isyjjnu wrote

Saw one take off from airport or attempt to land. Pull up landing gear then drop it again. Don't know if just training or what but my pets are flipping the fuck out.


LowkeyPony t1_isytld8 wrote

Odd. I noticed two definitely military helo's over the Lancaster area around noon today. Not moving particularly fast, and heading west.


CompasslessPigeon t1_it2hgn2 wrote

They’re practicing in the event they need to defend the notch


BennyHustler t1_isynfke wrote

is today the day everything changes?


AzraAzren_591 t1_isz5rfs wrote

So it was 15:19 they were flying really low went over alexandria Indiana here scared the shot out of me what's going on ?????


mtbmike t1_isz7fg4 wrote

I was golfing at green hill, they flew over us with very little sound compared to the f35s i saw a month ago in chicopee.. funny to hear everyone mention how loud it was. I must have been up wind or something.


ToniBroos t1_isz9qux wrote

Me and the my coworker were up in Boylston and could see em. Cool stuff


Atari875 t1_it36a71 wrote

I knew the south side was bad but calling in the air force seems like overkill


SmartSherbet t1_isymn35 wrote

Getting pretty tired of inconsiderate jerks (ranging from wedding people at Tatnuck Country Club to the military) pretending there's not a major city whose residents are all affected by their noisemaking.


Wbcn_1 t1_isyxww2 wrote

Grow up, snowflake. Move to the suburbs if you don’t like it.


NativeSon508 t1_it89uu4 wrote

It’s a city stupid. If you want quiet go move to north west Maine.

Imagine living in Worcester w it’s own airport and complaint about noise. ITS A CITY