Submitted by YourBuddyJeff t3_yghjvz in WorcesterMA

Hey Worcester friends, it’s getting cold again, and I’m thinking of those on the streets. I’m currently unemployed, but want to help in a useful and relevant way. Socks and McD gift cards used to be my go-to. Avoiding heavy or bulky items, are your thoughts for supporting folks around here? Thanks!



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klag103144 t1_iu8u9t5 wrote

Coats?? My mom and her bf were homeless for twenty one years and always loved a coat. I know you said nothing bulky but just a suggestion. ...


YourBuddyJeff OP t1_iu8yxmb wrote

Thank you for that suggestion. I definitely have some extras that I will gift.


robertcooney t1_iub4qpn wrote

This is a wonderful and productive use of social media! Completely changed my mind on something. I was going to take $250 from my pay and buy more crypto assets but after reading this post, I will be buying $250 worth of warm clothing from Savers and passing it out to those in need.


YourBuddyJeff OP t1_iubkmqo wrote

Woo! That’s so great! Because of your comment, I’ll be using this doge wave profit to get some packs together.


JavierLoustaunau t1_iubj381 wrote

My wife makes zip locks with socks, toothbursh, wipes, snacks, etc and female hygenic products in half. Just hands them out when somebody begs.


Crooks123 t1_iufn2s7 wrote

>My wife makes zip locks with socks, toothbursh, wipes, snacks, etc and female hygenic products in half. Just hands them out when somebody begs.

Yep I do this too. In the winter time I also try to include those hand warmer packets.


bobjob_ t1_iu9qljt wrote

CTI (community teamwork inc) in Lowell is helping over cap shelters with hotels


BloodAtonement t1_iubedg4 wrote

coats, cumberland farms gift card (coffee and hot foods are good you cant buy them on ebt) socks, toiletries avoid mouthwash with alcohol, hitting up the dollar store is a good idea for these items like the socks and tooth brushes and stuff, never a bad idea to make a med kit for them if you can


RiverRATT65 t1_iuaj5hf wrote

Socks that keep the feet warm, dry and that can be layered. I can't remember the name of the socks I found at Marshall's, but they weren't too thick so several pairs could be put on. I worry about the homeless having wet, cold feet and if they have a cache of socks they can change them frequently.


Soggy-Meal-4620 t1_iubh9da wrote

If you’re not able to donate resources, another option is helping by donating your time. Abby’s house is another option, just saw someone else post about wanting info for volunteer opportunities:


YourBuddyJeff OP t1_iubm66w wrote

Thank you! I have plenty of time to give; I will check it out.


fenceman2022 t1_iua25ar wrote

Let them stay with you for a while and crash on your couch. Just a thought.


YourBuddyJeff OP t1_iublqby wrote

One day, I’d love to offer my space to provide that for others.


Glass_Houses_ t1_iub80j2 wrote

Not a safe or realistic option for most people to do that.


RiverRATT65 t1_iu900bv wrote

Write letters to the politicians supporting the homeless. Housing is being provided for illegal aliens and though I don't want anyone to be homeless, I feel for the citizens and the families with kids living behind buildings and in the woods. Public pressure is the only way to make the politicians act! Politicians should take the money the lobbyists give them and provide housing.


MMScooter t1_iu926s1 wrote

What do you mean housing is being provided for illegal aliens? I work in the field here in Worcester and from what I understand you are not correct. Please elaborate so as to not spread false information.


RiverRATT65 t1_iu9z24f wrote

I can only tell you from what I know and see working in the field. One of my clients in particular, has been fighting metastatic cancer, has 1 disabled child and has been on housing waiting list for 10 years. She pays full rent price, barely making ends meet. In her building the tenants below her are illegal aliens, get section 8 housing, etc. The landlord asked why my client is still on the list when this family arrived here this past summer and has subsidized housing. I'm not into spreading false information, if you research for yourself you will find the information. There are statistics available on government websites, etc . Ask and look around.


legalpretzel t1_iualacg wrote

There’s a lot more help for people in shelter than those who are housed. That’s because the state pays a lot of money to ensure all families have access to shelter so they’re incentivized to come up with ways to move those families into housing. The ones below your client likely moved out of homelessness through one of the housing subsidies put into place to move them out of shelter. It’s highly unlikely they have a section 8 voucher (thru HUD) if they are all truly undocumented. Possibly MRVP or a short term subsidy like HomeBASE.

And no one is illegal. That’s a dog whistle for racists.


MMScooter t1_iug3qh9 wrote

Illegal “aliens” cannot qualify for section 8. Period end of story. Maybe they are TPS. Maybe they have an undocumented minor that is a part of the Ascentria program (which do get subsidized housing but not through section 8). What I can tell ou with my 15 years in the field is that when there is a major disaster in another country and refugees come over yes about 30% of them DO bump others down on the list because they literally have no home. But very few qualify for that kind of bump up to the top of the list. Also I want to mention that your client isn’t the only person struggling on the list. I have a patient who has been on the section 8 list for 6 years. He is Ghanaian. Been in the US since 2000. He is an elder and has a disability at this point. He claims “the Spanish people get their apartments right away. I’ll never get one”. As misguided as he is, he sees it happen daily. I get it. But true undocumented people not involved with a program absolutely cannot get section 8. Period. End of discussion.


eggelemental t1_iua6zvb wrote

So what you’re saying is that the problem isn’t undocumented people, it’s that the government is not utilizing money for housing appropriately and isn’t distributing housing appropriately to those in need.


ssumana t1_iub0l7g wrote

Did you even read that first link? It literally says you don’t qualify if you are undocumented. Stop this boogyman fear mongering, no one is coming here to take things from you.


RiverRATT65 t1_iub1qeg wrote

I'm thinking you didn't read the first PDF. No I'm not afraid anyone is taking anything from is my client's I am concerned for.


ssumana t1_iub2fc1 wrote

It’s a form for immigrants, not undocumented migrants. You do know people can be a legal immigrant right?

From the pdf:

  1. Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to apply for public and subsidized housing? No, you do not have to be a United States citizen to apply for public or subsidized housing. Lawful permanent residents and many other immigrants may apply for all types of government housing. If your entire family is undocumented, you will not be eligible for certain federal programs. In addition, for certain federal housing programs, if some but not all of your household members are citizens or have certain types of recognized immigration status, your portion of the rent will be higher than it otherwise would be. This may result in a rent that you cannot afford and make it unwise for you to apply for those programs. See Questions 9 and 10.

YourBuddyJeff OP t1_iu90jor wrote

Thanks! Being more involved in local policy in general has been a big goal for me